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  1. mellon1989 posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    been riding my DTX for just over a Week now and have reached the 600 miles point after 1st service i want a new exhaust. but what makes are out their and are they worth it ps. any thing i can do to improve my fuel economy, 60miles to a tank is taking the p1ss to say the least Mellon
  2. mellon1989 replied to mellon1989's post in a topic in The Bar
    im going to hopefully do my test before the law comes in next year and with any luck i will pass
  3. mellon1989 posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Just passed my CBT today so have just jumped onto my brand spanking DTX and have been on country roads surrounding my local area so so much fun does anyone have any pics of dtx's that you own ?????