Everything posted by mad bout donutz
I want an EZ way to tell a 74 RD 250 from A RD350
the engine size will be on crankcase
hi, i ride a 2005 fz6, yes it does vibrate a bit between 6&8rpm but goes away. they all do it, and has no cause 4 concern. as 4 fitting a steering damper????????????? were is that coming from. ur dealer must be a right muppet. i certainly wouldnt be leaving my bike in 2 him damper is 2 stop front end shaking its head at high speed :rolleyes:so how a damper would solve vibration prob is way beyond me. i doubt if grips would make any difference either
Why do yall put pipes on your plastic bikes?
XS400SE Restriction
hi its the paper work you are paying for, shop has to fit them and stamp certificate, ins company asks for certificate. otherwise they will not insure it. re dyno, i think you are wasting money £200 seems a bit much, my son was charged £130. shop around.
why do you own a yam?
well zd m8, i agree
FZ6 running problems
erm, hate 2 tell you this, but the 2004 fz6 is fuel injected
my fz6 fazer s2
hi, do away with thr top box and rack. looks like an old man owns it . add belly pan, seat cowl, set of end cans, and tail tidy. will be looking sweeet
Self-servicing FZ6
hi, i own a 05fz6. fairly easy 2 service, plugs fiddly(half n hour) part from that. weee buns
600 mile service
hi. labour free. oil nd filter change. mine was £30. dealer must do 1st one coz of warranty.
Underseat exhaust
have had my fz6 for nearly 3yrs, dont have that prob. and i have scorpion race cans:-) i might be wrong, but dont the fumes blow away when riding???????????????? duh
How often do you change your oil?
oil nd filter every 3000, better to be safe than sorry for all it costs, its worth it!!!!!!
crash bungs on a 600 Fazer S2?
loads of them on e.bay. s2 frame same as my 2005 fz6. they mount on 2 engine mount, 5 mins fits them
FZ6 Exhaust ?
hi, i put scorpion race cans on my 2005fz6n. they are xllnt. good sound and bit more power
new fz6 owner with question....
you need a 17mm socket