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  1. Evmaster replied to Talya's post in a topic in Naked
    hey cheif, sav nav good idea i have this one, TOMTOM Rider. battery powered and bluetooth so no wires to helmet. plus i'm on a YBR 125 so L plated, you can tell the nav not to take motorways it you perfer back roads. http://www.tomtom.com/products/product.php?ID=146
  2. Evmaster posted a post in a topic in Naked
    Hey all i've found some realling intersing things on the net for the ybr 125 like this video om youtube Found this website but not sure where or what laguage it is http://www.roadsterline.com/Ligne+compl%E8...+Yamaha+125+YBR Any idea's ?? love to get this system for my bike!!