Everything posted by Moxxberg
Thundercat YZF 600r
in regards to maintenance.... i jsut brought my bike in to get an oil change and the tech recommended that i get a service done to it... he said every 4k miles it should be reserviced.... that seems a bit excessive... anyways its at 9k miles right now and i was wondering what should i do ? its only had its very first service the 800 miles or so and regular oil changes any help greatly appreciated
motorcycle crash statistics
dude..... are you a statistic ? be a fucking man, sack up and buy a bike !!! get the r6 if its your first bike.... oh btw did you know you can affect the outcome of your riding ? so ride safe and be cautious.... FUCK STATISTICS
- hello
YXF 600R
another noob question here guys forgive me.... so its come time for me to mod the bike out a bit and the first thing i wasnt to change is my exhaust... mainly cuz i dont like how the stock exhaust sounds..... aside from the added power gain i was wondering.... if i just get a slip on exhaust WITHOUT headers will taht alone change the sounds drastically.... or do i need to buy the full system to get a better sound or will the sound not change at all thanks in advance
YXF 600R
another noob question here guys forgive me.... so its come time for me to mod the bike out a bit and the first thing i wasnt to change is my exhaust... mainly cuz i dont like how the stock exhaust sounds..... aside from the added power gain i was wondering.... if i just get a slip on exhaust WITHOUT headers will taht alone change the sounds drastically.... or do i need to buy the full system to get a better sound or will the sound not change at all thanks in advance
R6 oil change
So I just finished helping my buddy change his oil in his r6... we had a blast pretending we knew what we were doing... confession: we took off the wrong side when we got started LOL anyways we drained the oil out and let is sit for a couple minutes to get every last drop... we bolted her back up and put 2 new quarts of oil in... now after we started her up no problems we decided to go for a test drive.... upon doing so i come to find out that his oil light came on for a few moments and then cut off.... we parked got something to eat and theorized why taht could be... we started her back up again no problems no light nothing.... we are riding back to his house and low and behold his oil light comes back on but for a split second and cuts out.... i was wondering if there was anything we should be worrying about in regards to that light comming on or is it normal right after changing the oil ?
Street bike Apparel
arai is the best helmet you can buy.... arai and suomy.... i usually go by this motto, if its good enough for the pros then its good enough for me.... alpinestars is great for leathers too
Wheel colors
Total n00b question here... i am looking to make some changes to my bike and i was wondering if you guys could help me.... I see a bunch of bikes with what seems like a stripe of color that runs around the inside part of the bike's tires... is taht part of a rim that i would have to buy or is taht apart of the tires taht i would have to buy.,.. or (and this is what im hoping) is it just an accessory i can buy and apply to any tire/rim.... thanks in advance
my new 2008 r1 which exhaust to fit??
get a yoshi exhaust ... yoshimura i think is the full name ... but tbh the r1 exhaust is sexy as is
How often do you change your oil?
wht about first maintenance? that at 600 miles?
Thundercat lowering?!
the bike does have a steel frame as opposed to its brother the r6 which is aluminum... our bike (the cat) is almost 60pounds heavier and turning can be a bitch 417 pounds compared to 357... ours is bulkier to but youre not that tiny... just uhhhh wear heels hahahaha kidding
new rider
I love this forum...everyone all getting-together to help out us nooobs ... anyways ya I bought a thundercat as my first bike its a 2006 yzf 600r ... my buddy has a r6...my other buddy has a gixxer 1000 we all come up to the line ... we gun it.... and amazingly enough we all stay in line until about 9.5k 10 k rpms 2nd gear and then i drop back... my buddy with the r6 stays with the gixxer till 4th gear then the gixxer pulls away.... my friends took the bikes to the track and they raced..the funny part was taht my friend with the r6 could keep up with the gixxer if/when he would get into 10.5 11 k rpms.... thats were tha r6's power is.... higher rpms oh yea and for insurance i got just liability on my 600r costing 263 a year...AAANDDD its financed...i dont know if they are gonna come for me later but i got progressive for 263 a year... HOWEVER although im new to riding i told them i had 5 years experience hahahah stupid yanks (yes im american but i appreciate the foreign influence on this site lol) that might have dropped it down considerably but im not sure... and i jsut moved from ny to cali so they couldnt check i dont think... all in all i got a 600cc bike as my first, financed and insured and im happily ever after... till my 6 months is up then im trading up mahahahahaha
- Rain Ride
Rain Ride
Ya know i read somewhere that "If you dont ride in the raind, you dont ride" ... I had my first wet ride tonight comming home from work and it was scary as fuck ... haha i didnt take it outta first roflmao !! BUT i made it all in one piece with no close calls no slips nuffin
new rider
yea as long as you are mature about it... i just got a 600r for my first bike...never riden before never drove clutch... as long as you stay safe on it i dont see why not... woulda got an r6 but too pricey for my first bike... just ride conservatively for 6 months build the confidence... i notice people get tempted by the power of it and do risky stuff, needless to say risk without experience is a recipe for disaster... oh and take a MSF course, they usually supply a 250cc bike to use to get a feel for riding and once i rode the 250s i knew taht i could tame a 600cc bike....all up to your comfort lvl tho
2006 YZF 600R
works like a charm thanks alot chris !!
2006 YZF 600R
thanks man I appreciate it... lemme ask u what a good temp to be at before I start the ride
2006 YZF 600R
Hey everybody.... I am new to riding and dont know much about bikes so Im hoping i could get some info from you more experienced folk. I just bought a 600r 2006 and im noticing that the warm up time on the bike takes a bit long... Granted i have to give it time but the temp doesnt reach 100 for 15minutes minimum. Im wondering if this is normal for a bike thats been in a warehouse for a year and not gone over 40 miles on the clock... i have noticed taht when the bike hits 80 temperature and i turn choke off i stall out. any tips i would greatly appreciate my questions are: 1 whats an average time to wait for engine to warm up on a seasoned bike? 2 whats a good temp to be at to cut off choke? 3 if the warm up time is less than 15 mins is it because my bike isnt broken in?