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Alvin Straight

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Everything posted by Alvin Straight

  1. Thats plenty helpful Fosdyke, and motivating all the same... "Spark Plugs" - see now, thats just the advice i'm looking for. I'll schedule the trip for Spring next year - it'll probably be a round trip to Switzerland, then up through Czech Rep. and if i'm feeling particularly cocky I may just carry on to Finland then Norway! I'll be sure to let everyone in on the posture damaging one-man travelling carnival... My regards to everyone.
  2. I am by no means an experienced rider, but lets say I want to live all the "in at the deep end" "road adventure" cliches, and lets say I want to that with a 1995 RXS100... ...Now someone tell me how unrealistic i'm being! Otherwise, anyone with any long term, long distance experience with an RXS100 could put me straight on the pros and cons of attempting to ride the thing as far as, perhaps, Switzerland and back. The adventure may or may not start here?!