Everything posted by djcrow22
87 FZR 1000 torque specs
I'm looking for the front and rear suspension torque specs for an 87/88 FZR 1000. I'm swapping the FZR suspension on to an '85 FZ 750. Any help would be great. Thanks, Kevin
Another 1985 fz750 rebuild
Clarke, How are you doing? Just wanted to say hi and see how school/work is going. Things are good here although I've been sick off and on for a month! Bronchitis and colds... just won't go away. Drop a line when you can, Kevin
1985 FZ 750 rebuild
Graham, After seeing the pics I just "figured out" that G. Beale and Graham were the same guys! Good to hear from you... I'm impressed with your fabrication skills, the rear end on your bike is looking sweet! Saw on another post you might pick up Glenn's 750 motor. Hell of a deal for 50 pounds. You're making great progress, I'm going to borrow some inspiration from you and get back in the garage. Take care, Kevin
1985 FZ 750 rebuild
Thanks for the kind words. I'm a firm believer you get back what you give so to speak. The help and information I've received on all of the forums has been phenomenal. It makes my day when someone else benefits even in a small way from what all of us here are trying to accomplish so thanks again. I've been dragging my butt lately on my build but progress is just around the corner. What are you working on? Kevin
FZ 750/1000 build
Here are some pics of a very nice '85 FZ 750 project with an '87/'88 FZR 1000 engine, swingarm, front end and wheels as well as some choice aftermarket goodies. The builder's name is Glenn and he has done a meticulous job right down to the last nut and bolt. What I would give for a ride on this motorcycle. In stock trim. Getting started. Stripped down. Coming together. Rebuilt and refinished FZR 1000 engine. Centerstand removal required for FZR shock, linkage and swingarm. Getting close. Final version. Doesn't get much nicer than this. Kudos Glenn...
My restored 1986 FZ 750
Fabiano, That is a beautiful restoration mate! Could you write about the process, what was replaced, original condition ect? Great pics as well...
1985 FZ 750 rebuild
Got your pm about your account. Send an email to the moderator and he can probably get you squared away. When you get your picture post back send it to me. I'm jazzed about getting the rear end on. I'm getting all the machine work together to get it done at the same time. Here's the paintjob I would like eventually to get done: Ways to go before that happens... Stay in touch
1985 FZ 750 rebuild
Today I finished the cutting and grinding, figured out I would have to lose the centerstand which pains me greatly, but off it went. I'm happy with how it turned out. Also, my friend Chris in Missouri told me about Chaparral Motorsports and they had the Yamaha RR wheel spacer I needed that the local Yamaha Dealer said was a discontinued part. Hell of a good day! Here are some pics: Centerstand had to go and I'll miss it dearly, I'm old and I like centerstands that come with the bike... The 750 bolt and bushing on the left, the shorter FZR 1000 bushing on the right. The stock shock was made by Ohlins. The FZR bushing needs to be drilled or machined to accept the larger diameter 750 mounting bolt. Different ID's on the two bushings. All done but for paint. Everything but a rr wheel spacer and two 6mm spacers for the linkage. That's a 170/60/18 Metzler on there.
'79 Suzuki GS 1000S restoration
Hey, I know it's a Suzuki but anyone who looks at this restoration will be impressed, I know I was. The builder's nickname is Uncle Larry and he has had his work shown in the American Flyers section of Cycle World magazine. The paint work is incredible as well as everything else he puts his mind to. For anyone whose heart is still hooked on the early superbike years this is a treat you will appreciate. The passion for motorcycles and the attention to detail are clearly evident and it shows. Enjoy... http://spokanesriver.com/Uncle-Larry---blog/3840668
FZ 750 Engine Teardown
Please delete this post.
1985 FZ 750 rebuild
After getting some help from a rider in England who completed the FZR 1000 swingarm swap onto an FZ 750, I gave the swap another try. After a bit of cutting and grinding last night I got the swingarm fit up with the FZR shock and linkage. Here are a few pics: Swingarm, shock and linkage installed, still a bit more grinding to do to clean up and give plenty of clearance. Prior to grinding off centerstand spring clip and material from both mounting ears. After grinding, it all lines up. Discovered that the 750 linkage bolt is a larger diameter than the 1000 bolt. Used a rear engine mount bolt from the 750 (note the long bolt) that was the right diameter. I think I can have the 1000 bushing machined out to accept the 750 mounting bolt. I haven't given up the idea of keeping the centerstand which is why I didn't just whack the whole lower ear off. I'll see today if that's a pipe dream or not. More grinding to do to give clearance for linkage bolthead and nut.
My Yzf 750 R
Hey Robert, That is one the sweetest and cleanest rides I have seen in a while. Well done...
1985 FZ 750 rebuild
To begin with, I'm not experienced as an engine builder. The FZ 750 engine I'm taking apart now is really the first time for me and I'm learning as I go. I have been corresponding with CP3 on this website as he is undertaking an engine rebuild with similar experience as my own. The OS pistons and rings are expensive here as well. I don't have any info on the gearboxes, bearings and performance increases outside of the usual carb kit and air intake mods. Here are a couple other FZ sites with experienced gearheads that might help. Good luck and thanks for the inquiry... Kevin PS One problem and thing to look into is the starter clutch assy as long as the engine is torn down and the cases split. Check and replace the springs and dowels in the starter clutch itself. The bike I'm rebuilding has that problem and I'm putting off taking my one running engine apart to fix it right now. The other engine I'm tearing down is a learn as I go thing which will help when I get around to fixing my "good" bike... http://fzronline.com/forum/index.php?sid=5...c0a69bf7b4e522b http://fzronline.com/forum/index.php?sid=5...c0a69bf7b4e522b http://www.bikepics.com/yamaha/fz750/
header pipe repair
Why didn't I think of that? Thanks for the info, so now we know!
1985 FZ 750 rebuild
Jim, I see you are rebuilding an FS 1. What US model is an FS 1? Any pics? Thanks, Kevin
header pipe repair
Ok then, go ahead and move it over...thanks, Kevin
Steering stem bearing removal
Does anyone have a homegrown method of removing the lower steering stem bearing without a bearing puller? Thanks, Kevin
header pipe repair
Hey Drew, I'm new on the site. I saw you moved the header post over to the workshop. Should my FZ 750 rebuild be posted there rather than in the gallery? I'm fine with moving it there if that's where it should be. Thanks, Kevin
header pipe repair
You guys are too funny! Duke is three years old and pretty much runs the neighborhood. The electrical wiring goes directly into my fusebox and powers the house every time he barks which is a lot! As far as the pipe goes I didn't block the ends or anything like that. I just filled the two middle pipes with water and stuck it in the freezer. That's it. Maybe there is some one who can explain why when freezing the expansion which pushes out the dent doesn't just expand towards the open ends of the pipe! I thought about that myself but decided to just try it out. There are some smart guys out there so how about an explanation...
1985 FZ 750 rebuild
Working on the front end, bolted things up to check how it all fits and seems to be ok. Here are some pics... Anyone know a way to remove the lower steering stem bearing without a bearing puller?
My Rebuilt Thunderace
Really nice work... Beautiful bike!
header pipe repair
A short while ago I read about repairing dented header pipes by filling with water and freezing it. Well, it works pretty well. Here are before and after pics: Before... After... Looks pretty good... Just out of the freezer... Thawing out... Duke, the guy running the show...
Another 1985 fz750 rebuild
Clarke, Did you find a gasket kit yet? Here's one: http://shop.wemoto.com/pictures.dyn?u=2147965qqq25668 There's a bunch of other parts here as well, later...
Another 1985 fz750 rebuild
Got the motor out...
Another 1985 fz750 rebuild
Holy Smokes! Clarke actually took some pictures! Just busting your balls bro... Even without the motor in it your FZ looks GOOD. From what I can tell you have aftermarket brakes and carriers(manufacturer unknown, maybe Lockheed, carriers may be custom made) on the stock FZ forks. The other set of forks is identical to mine off of a Genesis FZR 1000 '87/'88 with the clip on bars are mounted under the steering head. Both front ends use the same tapered bearings and races. The swingarm appears to be the stock FZ part with the brace welded on and other welding mods for the shock(take some pics of the shock linkage and how it attaches to the swingarm, looks custom and cool to me). The shock itself appears to be laid down a bit, an old racing trick but I can't tell from the pic. The remote reservoir for the shock makes me think it might be a White Performance or even a Fox Shock. The rearset pegs might be custom made. Your Dad obviously could weld aluminum or had someone who could. The swingarm/shock/linkage setup looks custom and the brake carriers and rearsets look handmade. Pretty nice and unique parts. And a set of full rain tires to boot! So remind me, do you want to make your FZ street legal or keep it in race trim as a track day ride or what? Today I'm finishing re-roofing my woodshed where I had the other two FZ's parked. I'll get the silver FZ into the garage today(I promise!) and get started on dropping the motor and teardown. What I'm thinking is I can take pics and measurements of bolts ect and we can identify what you have and then what you're missing. It may take a little while but we'll get your end figured out and probably learn a lot about the motors in the process. Take care, keep the pics coming and I'll be in touch. Kevin PS: Can't tell what you have for wheels, but they are not the FZR Genesis wheels. Get what info you can off of them: size,width ect. They might be Honda VFR 750 wheels, '83-85 vintage...