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Dave C

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Everything posted by Dave C

  1. pulled this of another forum so cant vouch if it will work or not. this is how to derestrict it-the main parts are-:the exhaust,the C.D.I. unit the reed switch, and the power valve unit.Unfortunatley the dtx has a catalyst in the exhaust so you wont get it throught m.o.t. without it- you have to get one from an older bike or get a performance pipe like a dep or fresco.i dont think there is a reed switch on the dtx but the power valve retards at 7000rpm and there is a green wire behind the speedo witch needs to be earthed to stop it, or the valve needs disconnecting in the fully open position as for the c.d.i. unit you need to replace it with a pre 96 dt wiring loom to get full power although once the exhaust and power valve are sorted the power will probably be more than enough anyway with speeds of over 80mph easy Hope it helps
  2. Dave C replied to dsligh's post in a topic in Classics
    soak the airbox rubbers in a bucket of hot water or use a hair drier to warm them up, they become very pliable and easy to fit.
  3. You can test the coils but you will need a multimeter, if you have a haynes manual for it that will show you how to test them. Value, not a clue
  4. Dave C replied to Vito's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Try these i think they post to uk http://www.xtreemedecals.com/default.tpl?c...ECTIONSword=ww1 Its at bottom of page
  5. Dave C replied to morepower's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    You could try these http://shop.wemoto.com/index.dyn If you cant see what you want give them a ring they might have it but not list it or they may know is what else would fit it.
  6. Not sure if its any help but my XJ650 is shaft drive and when you remove the rear wheel you leave the drive part of the hub in place. Remove rear brake rod (drum brake not sure what yours would be), remove rear wheel spindle, from the drive side of the bike push the wheel away from drive hub and it drops out. You may need to use your feet and give it a kick as they can be on tight. Like i said never really seen a Dragstar 1100 custom so just hope this helps.
  7. Dave C replied to dsligh's post in a topic in Classics
    yeah your right its totally different i had a picture of the early one, the pre divvi xj600 may also be worth a look.
  8. Dave C replied to dsligh's post in a topic in Classics
    nah looks totally different, if you look at the xs it looks pretty well identical to the rd except for the engine.
  9. Dave C replied to dsligh's post in a topic in Classics
    Had a quick look in google images and the aircooled RD250 from around 1977 looks like it would be fitable, it even has the same trim around the seat base and tail light.
  10. Dave C replied to tjfredrik's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Looking at pictures of the XV750, it looks like it came as both single and twin disk on the front. I`m assuming yours is a single disk which would always struggle to stop that size of bike, so guess your best option is look on ebay for a twin disk setup of an xv750 and that should vastly improve stopping power, you would also need the front master cylinder to go with it as i think they will be different. If you already have twin disks then it sounds like they need a good service and better brake lines.
  11. Dave C replied to Yeoman's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Hmmm all i could suggest now would be to follow the wires check for any damage, i know on my 89 xj600 the wires looked ok but quite a few of them had internal corrosion(copper turned black)and when i was cutting them back to splice new wires in on quite a few i had to go a long way in.
  12. Dave C replied to GaryRyal's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Sounds like the clutch is sticking or needs to be adjusted, there should be no slack at the clutch lever end. If the bike has been stood a while the clutch plates tend to stick together, and mostly they end up needing stripping and cleaning at best (the solid metal plates corrode if stood to long) at worst new plates will be required. The working tollerance of the plates is not much, the friction plates have a thickness of 3mm and are pretty well worn out at 2.80mm. I would start with adjustment, wind the screw the cable runs through all the way back into the lever and adjust it where its connects at the engine, then use the screw at the lever to make small adjustments. If there is too much cable to make the adjustment correctly then the cable is probably stretched.
  13. Dave C replied to Yeoman's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    If memory serves me right on the 535 the rectifier and regulator are behind the left hand footrest mount and corrosion is the enemy. you could try cleaning where it connects to the frame as it might be a bad earth, or even run a new earth and see if that improves it.
  14. Never used this shop but it seems well used on the RD aircooled forum. http://www.yambits.co.uk/catalog/
  15. I think you can if you have the paperwork you bought it with. Possibly the police will restamp the frame and you will get issued with a Q plate. Best to check with local police station they should have all the info you need.
  16. Dave C replied to skinjob's post in a topic in General
    You should find the answers you need in this link http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Motoring/Learn...Test/DG_4022723
  17. Fairly common fault on these bike is carbs flood and once it reaches a certain level it only has 2 ways to go. 1 into the engine 2 into the airbox Sorting this could be a 2 stage affair. The float needle valves should stop the fuel rising past where its meant to be so i would say a carb strip and clean be your priority. Also check the petcock on the fuel tank, fuel should only run free on prime, when on run with the engine stopped fuel should not flow. check what is coming out of the airbox, does it smell of fuel, i would also check engine oil to see if the level is a bit high, possibly see if that smells of fuel. Another option but not so easily fixed is worn piston rings allowing blow by and forcing oil up the crankcase ventilation system into the airbox. Given the symptoms you have explained i would think it is a fuel problem. As for removing airbox there is only 2 ways and thats engine out or a hacksaw hope that helps Dave C
  18. Dave C replied to Bittern's post in a topic in Classics
    Try here you should find all the info you need. http://xjbikes.com/Forums.html
  19. Dave C replied to FazerDaz's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    51%/49% FRONT/REAR WEIGHT DISTRIBUTION In order to achieve the idealised front/rear weight distribution of 51%/49%, our design team have relocated the battery nearer the front and beneath the fuel tank, whilst a new seat design gives a rider’s hip position 8 mm further forward. Taken from here <a href="http://www.motorcycledaily.com/12august03_2004yamaha_fz6.htm" target="_blank">http://www.motorcycledaily.com/12august03_2004yamaha_fz6.htm</a> As for battery charger i think you will need a bike one, from what i have been told a car charger will destroy it. Most of the bike chargers come with leads you can leave attached to the battery with the end left where you can get to it easily, also an intelligent charger would be worth the money as it will cut out when fully charged and back in again when needed.
  20. Dave C replied to alza06_bhoy's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    things i would check are mixture and also the needle position as mid to wide open throttle are controlled by the needle, needle jet and main jet. Also see if any air jets are blocked.
  21. Dave C replied to alza06_bhoy's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    sounds like rich mixture, to much gas not enough air. when was the air filter last changed, has anybody been messing with the carbs. Check the spark plug once its warmed up and it starts dieing, if its black and sooty its a good indication its too rich. Not much but it gives u a start.
  22. Dave C replied to grampy's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    check throttle cable for free play, you need some. Tickover is set at the carbs, its between the 2 centre ones just below the carb air inlets about 1 pence in size. i would also check to make sure cables are free to move, should not take any effort at all, and that they are not caught up any where like under the tank.
  23. Dave C replied to steveralls's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    I tried to get new for my 82 XJ650 but they have been discontinued, so that leaves 3 options. CUSTOM MADE, not enquired yet but guessing it`ll be expensive. LOCATE SECONDHAND, i think the xj range all used the same oil cooler, its also the same as the later xj600(NOT THE DIVERSION). REMOVE IT, the option i`ve gone with ATM, easily done just remove the oil filter and then the bolt in the middle of the oil filter mounting, take the adapter plate off and bolt the oil filter back on. Hope that helps Dave C
  24. Just sounds like a plain straight forward short. Given the age of the bike its probably rubbed the plastic casing of the cable and shorting on the frame. I had a similar problem on my 1989 xj600 took a while to find it, a lot of tight turns and rough edges in the wiring harness, i found quite a few future problem areas while looking so they got sorted as well.
  25. Dave C replied to a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    sounds like its running lean to me, i would be asking them to check the carb settings. Any fuel filters you can check for blockages.