Everything posted by Dave C
How to diagnose non-working starter?
is it the starter itself or the wiring from the button. If its the starter could be it needs stripping cleaning and new brushes fitted, haynes manual should give minimun length off brushes. If its the wiring from the button its just a case of tracking it to the bad connection. Its a bit hamfisted but the fastest way to find out is to short the contacts on the starter selonoid, if the starter spins ok then you need to start looking at the wiring for the starter button or the button itself.
My '86 Radian used to run great...
When i got my xj650 it had been sat with fuel in for 7 years, it took around 3 days to clean all the varnish out of the carbs and a further couple of days to get the jet in the float chamber cleaned, a lot of that time was spent soaking parts to loosen things up. Also dont forget to blow the airways clear. If you bought another set there would be a good chance they would still need cleaning, so save your money and get stuck in its worth the effort.
My '86 Radian used to run great...
you are going to have to clean the carbs properly, jets out and cleaned, emulsion tubes removed and cleaned possible the needle has some varnish stuck to it. The jet that will give you most trouble is the starter jet which is fixed in the float bowl and has to be cleaned in situ and the hole in the jet is tiny, if this isn`t cleaned properly you are wasting your time.
yamaha 1988 radian yx600u
You might get a few replies if you fill your profile in so people at least know where you are from.
SR125 start problems please help
If you think its the switch try using a screwdriver to short the starter solenoid and see if its spins ok like that, if it does then you can start working back up to the switch to find the fault. Also you should be able to check the carbon brushes in the starter motor(you will need to strip it), if they are to short they will draw to much current and bike will never start. A work shop manual like Haynes should give minimum brush lengths, also check with main dealer for availability and cost but cant see it being much, ones for my XJ were only about £12.
yamaha xj650 sticky throttle
easiest first---check for free play at throttle, you need a small amount so the idle is working of the idle screw not the cable. vacuum leaks---could be vacuum line going to fuel tap, cracked carb boots or leaking gasket(boot to cylinder), also ontop of the boots the vacuum line blanking caps. i had a slightly similar problem on mine---cold start good, let it warm up and take it off choke and the idle was sitting at a steady 1000rpm, then 2-3 miles into a run the idle would rise to around 1800rpm. Plugs looked fine but decided to lean the mixture out to see what happened, well it seems to have worked idle is rock solid at 1000rpm even after a run, but i need to run it on choke slightly longer before it will hold idle without it, also plugs still look the correct colour.
XJ650 float level
I would go to http://xjbikes.com/Forums.html and you will find all the info you need and lots more besides.
Front Right Caliper
ebay is your best bet unless you want a dealer removing large amounts of cash from you.
1989 Yamaha Radian
I would start with the basics, like has it got a spark, also carbs may need a good clean. The starter jet in the float bowl is tiny and gets blocked real easy, bad part is you cant remove that jet to clean you have to do it in situ.
1982 400 Maxim Mufflers
I think (needs checking) the maxim 400 is a twin based on the XS bikes, so possibly exhaust from a standard XS will fit straight on.
FZR 400 rr wont start!
Check the immobiliser/alarm inline fuse, if its blown bike will be imobilised.
Neta exhaust system obstructs oil plug
I changed mine without removing neta exhaust, was a bit fiddly. Cant remember exactly but i think i used a long socket extension, not easy but doable.
XJ600 (Pre Divvy) CDI Wiring Question - PLS Help!!
Close up of the part of diagram you need, full pic was to blurred. Pic of cdi connectors
XJ600 (Pre Divvy) CDI Wiring Question - PLS Help!!
You are just out of luck as i have just binned the wiring loom of the xj600, still got the cdi. All the info you need is in the haynes manual, if you look at the diagram it gives you the shape of the plugs and where each wire goes in that plug so should be reasonably straight forward.
yamaha carbs
The carbs of an xj600 will fit just not sure if the airbox rubbers will reach as i never tried them. I never bothered in the end as i could not face all the messing with rejetting, so i just bought a set of ebay. The xj750 will fit no problem you just need to transfer jets over from the 650 set. What problems have you got with the original set
Bike Keeps Overheating Can Anyone Help? PLZ
What is the condition of the radiator and has the system been flushed. If the rad is in poor condition it could be restricting flow which will cause the temp to rise.
Yamaha SR125 2000
Try the yamaha uk site they normally have free owner manual downloads and i think they go back to 2000
fzr600 running probs
if it needs jump leads then obvious one is bad battery or connections + earths need cleaning. starting on 3 then going to 4 initially i would check mixture but would not overlook bad leads, test with a multimeter should tell you. Has it been stood for any length of time, carbs may need cleaning and retuning. Hesitating could just be mixture or dirt in carbs, carb changes which jets it uses in relation to engine speed and 5-6 sounds like it could be one of those points. Have a read of this see if it helps http://www.factorypro.com/tech_tuning_proc...pm_engines.html hope it helps Dave C
TT600R Stalls when hot
only happens when its hot because it need the extra fuel during warmup. A lean problems gets better as it warms up a rich problem gets worse.
87 FZ600
I would think the stumbling when taking off would be to rich a mixture. If it was backfiring through the exhaust when taking off it would be to lean. If you are going to set the bike up yourself i would recommend spending £20 on a colortune as it makes the whole process a lot simpler(my opinion anyway). Looking at your settings a guess would be the ones with the 4 - 5 turns would be the problem (to rich) 2.5 is your starting point but make sure your airbox rubbers are fitted correctly, i recently replaced mine with new cos the old ones had shrunk with age and i had to turn the mixture screw in by 1 turn, so it really makes a difference. Hope it helps Dave C
- 88 FZ600 exhaust
SR125 cuts out when put in gear
If its like mine it needs the clutch engaged to start and the side stand up to put it in gear, so i would check to see if you have a switch attached to the side stand. If you have it may need cleaning adjusting or replacing or as a lot of people do is disable it.
YX600 Radian...loose wire
Radian 600 uses same running gear as the XJ600 pre diversion. If you follow the wire it should be connected to the earth lead that attaches to the engine, the small lead(should be black) connects to one of the bolts that hold the battery box in
If it was leaking and letting air in it will put the mixture right out. My xj650 needs the screws turned out 5 turns(2.5 starting point) but it needs new airbox rubbers, i`m expecting they can go in at least 1 turn once fitted, well i hope they will.
Ignition problems XJ900 -93
Sounds like coil problem, if your loosing spark on 2 cylinders it should be either the 2 outside or the 2 inside that you are loosing. With it being an occasional problem i would look to the connectors that connect the coils back to the wiring loom(should be under the tank). Have a look at this see if its any good http://zorch.maow.myip.org/bikes/wiring/xj900.jpg