Everything posted by tejas 1300 star
1300 risers???(pics)
Im yold the answer is get road star touring deluxe bars and your troubles are over . everything will transfer over they say 120.00 shipped what the hell it is only money
1300 forum
there is a new site i found that might be helpful also yamahamotorcycleforum.com they have a 1300 section all for us 1300 owners its pretty new but looks good later
1300 risers???(pics)
1300 risers???(pics)
1300 risers???(pics)
Was going to add risers on my 1300,untill i stripped it down. Because of the speedo mount it aint going to happen. 1. I can add aftermarket risers, but what to do with speedo? 2.Maybe a aftermarket speedo that mounts to the bars, but havent seen that 3.I can add different bars, but have to replace alot of cables!(maybe) Any thought or ideas would be nice, at least a good topic for conversation. I am 6ft 1" and still reach for the bars a little. and yes i have rolled them back until they start rolling down. it would be nice to pull them back so i can sit straight. To me this is not a small stature persons bike(notice the politically correct description) I really dont think any aftermarket company is going to invest the expense of tooling this one Anyway food for thought LATER
Rolling On my 1300
according to everyone it is normal mine does it but is getting better with milage, alot of guts have expressesd the same concern so that tells me it is normal, i have only heard of one guy who had there clutch go out. i thought about draining my oil and adding synthetic but i am told not to till 10,000 miles so i will wait
roadhouse slip-ons
im thinking risers up 2 back 1 1/2 or maybe triple tre lights or crash bars which i have never owned what do you think? went on a 150 mile ride today the bike really performed nice with that pipe i still cant believe the diff
roadhouse slip-ons
just finished a 30 mile ride cant believe the diff in the bike. it can breath now it runs like a whole different bike smooth engine and very quick response. it just goes to show how much these bikes are choked down unbelivable differance
roadhouse slip-ons
pipe was really easy to put on and sounds great. not to noisey until you romp on it, but good deep meaty tone best 341 i have spent
2007 V-Star Forum
they are finding the valves to be fine in 99% of 1300s and most shops are telling customers , dont worry about it and ride. my local shop hasnt found any valves out all the way to 12000 miles. the reason i was told yamaha suggested it was due to heat in the engine, for which they say isnt a factor as first thought. the motor is running cool and fine. but if for some reason you get the bike hotter then norm it might be a good thing, i also came from a harley, 03 fatboy and have no regrets. I sold my bike put 10,000 in the bank and paid cash for the 1300 and have never looked back. they are to different animals but both having merit
comfortable seats
look at meancitycycles.com they reshape and add memory foam, i am shipping mine this winter. they do really really good work for a fraction of the cost of a new seat. they can shape,lower,raise,scoot you foward or back for about 100 bucks
roadhouse slip-ons
well i found 1 at cruisercustomizing.com will be hee friday they had one left as of last night. the reasons i am going with a slip on is 1. the cost- 341 delivered with no power module needed 2. the looks - wanted to stay with 2-1 with bags and to be different 3. being a slip on i can throw my factory on when being inspected and put my roadhouse back on afterwards cant wait will put a pic in here after my 5 minute install later
roadhouse slip-ons
does anyone know where i can get my hands on the roadhouse 4" slip-on? I have had it ordered for a little over a month. I guess they are way behind. After going to youtube and listening to different pipes on the 1300, roadhouse sounds to me worth waiting for. Type in vstar 1300 and you can hear the new vance and hines and the roadhouse. I think the roadhouse looks better too!
I really didnt like the huge windshield or the hard bags. I spent a little bit more to buy them after market but feel a little more original.
http://bigbikeriders.com/photopost/data/500/8096DSC01457.JPG no drilling required bolts right up to backrest mounts
just put on saddlebags from us saddlebags.com here is a pic. so far i really like them and they were very easy to put on
Vstar 1300 valve adjustment
i just put 600 miles on my bike, and when i calle for service the guy told me that most people are not adjusting valves until 2500. it saves money for more accesories but is it the right thing to do? what do you guys think?