Everything posted by Divvy_Rider
I'm back, ... Well i never left but.....
Thanks for the warm welcome back guys. only a few more months till it's nice biking weather again, I'm getting bored of having cold hands, and brown undies from cornering in the wet
I'm back, ... Well i never left but.....
Hiya peeps. I hope everything is going well for you all. Sorry i haven't posted for ages, been busy at work and erm lazy at home i guess The bike is going well, but the vibrations are back again, .. last time a oil change calmed it down a lot, so i guess i need another one already (i've only done 6 or 7 hundred miles since last one) but nevermind, I presure washed it then sprayed it all over with silicone spray, Including the back brake disk i didn't mean to of cource, i was trying to get all of the swing arm .. but it started working properly again after a mile or so The next thing to do is get new tyres hopefully soon, BT45's (on the recommendation on 90% of you lot ) other than that its all good, Well apart from the weather!
Pet Hates (Drivers)
All of the above ..
Does Life REALLY begin at 40?
LOL :twisted: Nice.
On holiday
ok well its worth a try, .. i wasn't sure because i took it to a mechanic about the ticking sounds, and while i was there i asked about cab sync, and he said it was fine, .. coz with the engine ticking over its almost solid on 1K revs, and he said that if they were out of sync the revs would flutter when idle... Come to think of it, It only started being more vibey after i saw him, He checked to see if the cam chain was tight enough, and since then it's been more vibey, ( could it be over tight ) .. but if you lot say so it's worth a try. cheers mark
On holiday
STUPID WORKS COMPUTER, Sorry for the double post
On holiday
Hiya. Well i'm back (got back on Saturday) Holiday was good apart from the weather, 2 days of sun shine the rest was patchy rain .. but never mind it's always good to get away from work for a week. The divvy was ok, But the vibrations are a pain in the arse, so much that it kinda spoiled the ride there i wouldn't mind if it only got vibes at 4K but im getting them at 3.5K to 4.5 and most of the way there, there are speed limits of 40- 50- 60 ... going 40 is ok but at 50 im revving at around 3.5k in 6th and at 60 it around 4K. so every 5 mins i had to keep shaking my hand to get some feeling back in it. i tried it in 5th gear but it was still getting vibes at 60mph, so i would have to ride in 4th gear but that would just be a waste of petrol and to high revs for my liking (i'm not gonna ride miles in 4th gear! ) .... so i have to get some thing done about that. Also I has got a little harder to start, not just in the morning but in general i have to give it a load of revs to get it going, where i could normally just give it a little "blip" . so all in all it's not been to good, and to top it all off, i come back from holiday, (the company i work for moved to a new warehouse while i was away) And I've been put in a new "Open plan" office, (my girlfriend works for same company) So now i'm stuck in the same office with my GF, which sucks ass, when i took the job i made sure i wasn't in the same office as her, at the old building i worked in a office upstairs and she was downstairs so we didn't have to see each other, so i thought it would be ok, and gave up my window cleaning business to work for them, i don't know if it's just me but it think it is totally taking the piss, I gave up my business for these people, if they told me i would be in the same office then i wouldn't have taken the job. so i'm very pissed off and won't take it for much longer, one way or another things are going to change, so i should get my bike serviced soon while i have some spare cash and hope that it solve the bloody vibes anyway, that my rant over. catch you later. mark.
On holiday
Hiya peeps. I'm off on holiday for a week tomorrow, it will be my first "longish" ride ( going to cromer ) So i guess i'll find out what the bikes like on a longer run, what with all the tapping etc, (but i've been told by a pro that it's fine so i'll give it a shot) but i have full brakedown cover so it should be fine either way Sadly i don't have a digi cam so i can't take any pictures (it's the next thing on my list) . But i'll let you all know how it went when i get back. Ahhh a week off work. Thank f**k for that :hbang Oh and i just heard that monday and tuesday is going to be really crap weather, nevermind as long as i stay dry going there Have a good week. Catch you all later
Fazer spec?
Yeah or better still, Get him on the back of yours and watch him S**T himself .. But ride safe, Don't go mad just coz hes with u, .. Sorry #-o i sound like MY dad.
Divvy's going for a Fazer!
Noooo .. Don't do it [-o< stick with the divvy :-k Did someone say smooth, Sod it get the fazer My divvy makes my throttle hand numb after a 15 mins ride. and im sure it not from holding it to tight, I know all divvys have that nasty vibrations at 4K revs, But mine has change from just 4K to 3.5K to 4.5K, which is a pain in the arse coz i keep having to do the bloody river dance on the gear selector :fit Doing 40mph on the by-pass .. Quick wheres 5th my hands can't take it. Anyone have any tips on how to make it a bit better, vibes just at 4K would be great :hbang
- I love my 1987 Yam
Divvy noise
Shouldn't this topic be in the workshop forum? :-k
Divvy noise
FFS, I just typed out a page worth of stuff then pressed backspace to delete a word and it made the whole IE page go back so i lost everything, .. So you'll just get a short version now right... I went to a local bike shop, the mechanic came out to listen to it then checked the cam chain tension coz he thought it might be that, that was making it tap, but it was tight enough so wasn't that, and he said it wouldn't be a problem with the valves because they don't normally need looking at until 25000 miles, my bike has only done 4300, and he says that it doesn't sound odd, and most divvys tap like that anyway so i have nothing to worry about, he also said the brakes/pads are fine, and the carbs are fine to don't need rebalancing, but he said i should change the oil/filter because the bike had been sitting for a while before i got it so just to be safe kinda thing. which i thought was really nice of him, because any other shop around here wouldn't even go near your bike till you give them some cash, and this guy just save me £150 odd for a service that it doesn't need (his words) I just thought it was really cool, that he got some tools and checked it out rather than making me book it in for a service. so anyway, I still don't like the tapping, but he says they do make a noise, is there any other divvy riders on here if so whats your bike like?. oh and should i change the air filter while im at it. thanks people *edited for spelling *
My Bike Insurance quotes!
Carole Nash is'nt too bad, Because you get a years full brakedown cover with any (i think) new policy which would cost a extra £50 with Bennetts. I'm still paying £600 tho :cry: and thats with 2 years no claims, But i am 24 so still "High Risk" Pah!! :evil:
Internet scam
No but as the other website said, "DAY 1 it goes in to your account DAY 2 it goes in to a checking account DAY 3 it goes to there account ( this is when some banks let you draw the money therefor E.G. you would send 4500 back to the sender of the check REAL MONEY DAY 4 the check bounces leaves there account DAY 5 bouncing check hits your account oooohhhh but you have already drawn on it therefor YOU owe the bank the ammount drawn probably bout £5000 ooppps then you may face fraundelent charges..." Although I guess you would have to be Feckin stupid to send anything back to them before checking the money is in your bank, (or does it show up as credited before it clears?? ) .. I don't know, .. im lost now too it's just dumb which ever way you look at it
Internet scam
Well if they are buying something worth £1000 and send you a £6000 Check, .. then you send them the £5000 back, .. they make £5000 of your cash. gotta be so careful nowa days
Biking in Britain Today - Discuss
Their we go ... Let it all out .... Feel better now? ( Now that would be a good way to make a living Well, It's been said a million times on a million Forums, But it's still as true as the first time, :!: Get those cage drivers on a bike for one day, and i'm sure it would make a difference, teach them to think before they act .... Well said axl
It sounds good, But What about your Kid (s) ? See what they think, And if you live near your family now, Could you manage without them. Close Family is always good for free baby sitters .. I'm always being roped in to it, :roll: Good luck anyway.
Website time is wrong
Oh yeah, .. Stupid F**kin British Summer Ti........ / Puts on hat with a big "D" :oops:
Website time is wrong
Oh ok Done, But why is that seeing as it should be just GMT ? I don't live in a different time zone to someone in london :shock:
Website time is wrong
Hiya just to let you know the site/ post times are wrong, coz it's now 00:00 and the site says 11 ish, .. Am i missing something, Has it always been like this? i haven't looked b4 so if im wrong and its always like this just ignore me :oops: :roll:
new gallery
Cool Thanks Alan, Thats much better, Works first time =D>
Divvy noise
Well I would do it myself, And in future i intend to, But i'm using it to go on holiday in about 3 weeks, so the last thing i need is me pissing something up before then, i have no idea how to change the brake pads on disk brakes (my old bike had drum) and with all this shitty weather we've been having i haven't even been able to clean the bike for 3 weeks, when its been dry i've been out riding so couldn't clean it i don't have anywhere in the dry to keep my bike, it lives outside with just a cover on it, which sucks but i have no choice, so i have to wait for good weather to be able to do anything to it, I hate wasting money, but i think this once i'm gonna have to just suck it in and get it done at a shop :roll: the only problem now is, im worried about doing it some harm by riding it, i'm trying to take it easy coz i have to get to work some how, could it do the bike any harm by riding it ? or should it be ok till i get it sorted? thanks for everyones help. starting to miss the old 100cc, i didn't mind taking that apart
new gallery
yep same here when i click upload at the top of the page it says this "Warning: opendir(./albums/edit): failed to open dir: No such file or directory in /home/alexf40/public_html/gallery/upload.php on line 406" then when i select a file and click continue it says this "Warning: move_uploaded_file(./albums/edit/mHTTP_temp_1e4dbaa2.JPG): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/alexf40/public_html/gallery/upload.php on line 1193 Warning: move_uploaded_file(): Unable to move '/tmp/phpZId6O0' to './albums/edit/mHTTP_temp_1e4dbaa2.JPG' in /home/alexf40/public_html/gallery/upload.php on line 1193 " and "Error Report The following uploads encountered errors: File Uploads: File Name/URL Error Message 1. Lsidenew.JPG Impossible to move. " does that help solve it in anyway? Cheers
Divvy noise
Ok Thanks .. I'll have to get it serviced, am i right in thinking it costs around £120 (ish) for a service? BTW It is the faired version, and other than the tapping it is really quiet, when it's just ticking over it is quieter than my old 100cc . I'll try to post some pics today if i get time, .. after all i am suppose to be working :twisted: cheers