Hi folks Ive recently aquired an XJ750 Seca 1982 vintage which has been stood for 8 years so the carbs were well and truly full of varnish. So they have been completely stripped, cleaned and rebuilt with the appropriate Dynojet kit and K & N filter for good measure. My problem is now that it will start without choke, will not idle happily below 1500 rpm and the revs will start to rise and race for no reason. Altering the mixture and balence screws makes no difference nor does putting the standard jets and needles back in. If anything it runs slightly smoother with the Dynojet bits. I have rechecked all the linkages and cleared out all passages carefully many times but still get exactly the same results. Although I have spent many years riding and maintaining motorcycles this is a new one on me ( just been lucky so far I guess ! ) so if anyone out there knows what is wrong or can point me in the right direction I will be very gratefull as the time it is taking me to type this is the only thing stopping me reaching for the big hammer !