Everything posted by Cy Welch
First Time
I have. They fall in love with them.
xs400 ignition
80 and later are electronic ignition.
XJ handlebar caps?
Good luck, I've been looking for those for a while if they are the ones I think they are. I believe that the same ones are used on the XS1100 for the handlebar bolts too, and I've not found anyplace I can actually get them.
No, the XJR is chain drive, the XS 750, 850 and 1100's are shaft drive. And while there are some strange handling characteristics with the shafties, you can learn to handle them just fine once you know how they will react in a given situation.
butterfly valve
This does seem to be making things overly complex. When removing an airbox (and LOTS of us XS1100 guys have done that) and switching to pod filters, the new system flows more air. As this causes the carb to work differently it changes the fuel/air mix. Just adjust the jet sizes up to provide more fuel, which is a trial and error type of thing and check the plugs after a full throttle run (clean new plugs) and check the color. If their too white, then you need bigger main jets, if to dark, then smaller. Repeat until you get the right color on the plugs and good performance across throttle settings without flat spots. I'm sure someone out there has changed out the intake on one of those engines and has some idea of how much of a change in jets is needed, but if not, I'd start by going up two jet sizes and see how it runs. Gotta put a load on it to test it though, and you will probably have to go up on the idle jet size too, unless you can compensate with the mix adjustment screw. Trying to get a specific amount of restriction is easy as everyone has said, just create a box or something over the filter and make a hole, and make it bigger till it right (if you don't want to rejet). A good starting point would be to try a hole the same size as the inlet on the stock airbox for the engine, that is likely what's causing most of the restriction with the stock setup. Just remember, you can't tune the carbs (other than idle) out of the frame/bike, cause to tell what it's doing requires a load.
hello from the newbie
Howdy ecrzeric, I've been to sunshiny florida, and live in sunshiny california. Lived in a few rainy places though, including 5 years in germany (3 as an air force brat and 2 in the army) and some time in even worse places (lots and lots of deep snow (you can ride in the rain, but 3 feet of snow is pretty much not happening)) but never made it to england even given how close I was. I'm still riding pretty much every day, and not gotten more than slightly damp yet, even with no rain gear (just to bug those not riding during the winter).
xs400 (sohc) carbs
At least on the American model for 80 the float height is 27.5mm and the floats are supposed to be brass. There is also supposed to be a plug over the idle jets as they pull fuel through the main jets. If it has the stock carbs, they will be Mikuni BS34 III's, which in the U.S. were shared by many other models in 1980, just with different jets and diaphragm springs. The DOHC bikes have a different bowl on them and your supposed to use the clear tube. AFAIK, there is no spec for the 80 carbs outlining the fuel level using the tubes, only the float height setting. Also, a common problem on these carbs is for the o-ring on the push in needle valve seat to wear out and let fuel leak around them causing the carbs to overflow, if that was not replaced you might want to do that.
82 xs400 with a funny turn signal
Ok, here is the deal, your readings are all in the same range I have found on working charging systems. What I have found, is all these years later, the resistance tends to be just a little off from spec, but this is not saying they are bad, just old. The most common failure is the voltage reg or the rectifier (or combined unit depending on what you have). These can be had off ebay used and good pretty cheaply. Oh, and on the newer models contrary to what the haynes (or clymer for that matter) manual, there is no adjustment on the voltage reg, its solid state and non-adjustable. One test is if you check the wiring diagram, there are two wires to the field coil, one get battery voltage and the other goes to the reg and gets partially to fully grounded to energize the alternator. If you have the bike running and ground the side that goes to the reg you should get an increase in voltage at the battery, if not, then the rectifier may be bad, if the voltage does go up the reg is bad. There is also a test in the manual for the rectifier grid that is pretty simple to do and can rule that out as being bad. What I'm saying here is that your readings on the stator wires and field coil are almost exactly what mine read, and mine works great. When mine wasn't working it was the regulator, quick fix (tough to change though being on the bottom of the battery box.
removing o-ring fork caps
That must cause a bit of a headache! I've managed to get that type out by myself, but I was about ready to throw things before I got it done.
carburetor options for 81 xs400 and other issues
You can use plastidip to fix the diaphragm and it will work pretty well. Otherwise while they are expensive, replacement carbs are going to have old ones too, and once again plastidip may help there.
Can I get new plug wires for the xs400s at Pep-boys or auto zone?
Any solid core non-resistance plug wire will work. Just make sure it's not that carbon core resistance crap, that won't work, but any solid core wire works with them as long as it fits into the fittings on the coil. Be glad you have the 400, the 1100 don't have replaceable plug wires, you can manage to replace them (usually) but you have to hack the coils to do it. Most install after market coils instead.
more power
Don't matter, even if they fit (which they probably don't) they won't give you any more power.
Hard start
Those air boxes (and related parts) are pretty easy to find on ebay. Otherwise, your carbs NEED to be rejetted, as the cone filters WILL affect the running. Unless the idle mix has been adjust properly also (which I guessing it has not) then it won't idle well (or start for that matter). Also, these are pretty much the same carbs as the XS1100's use, and the mantra on the XS11 site is clean the carbs really good, then clean them again, and then clean them again, meaning it generally takes at least 3 times to get them clean the working well. I know I cleaned mine about 6 times before I got them right. I also had to replace the o-ring under the idle mixture screw spring as those flatten out and go away mostly over the years and these things will NOT idle well without that o-ring. That o-ring is available if you look around, but can be a little hard to find. Also, try spraying wd40 at the ends of the throttle rod and if the idle speed changes that means the butterfly seals are shot, you can get those from MikesXS. It is a LOT of work to get these carbs right, but when they are, it should start easily, I almost never need more than 1/2 choke on mine, and then only for a short time.
How concerned should i be about these cams?
Actually that's one of the biggest points of contention about oil in motorcycles. Frankly from most of the research I have seen, the main issues would be with with non-mc oil would be viscosity loss because it's running through the gears, and clutch slippage because of friction modifiers in the oil. My opinion is that oil for use in diesels will protect properly and most of them don't have the friction modifiers so are probably good there. That said, I can buy MC specific oil for just slightly more than normal oil, so I do just because I want my clutch to not slip. Than again I'm not married to using MC oil, and if they want to much more than for the normal oil, I'll just go with the diesel specific stuff, got over 50,000 on my 400 that way with very little wear, and 80,000 on my old engine in the 1100 (although I had to replace it because the PO ran it with gas in the oil and knackered the bearings.) The replacement engine will always have good clean oil changed regularly though, so I expect it to go in excess of 100,000 miles.
XS400 No Brake light-running lights work
Did you get a 2 or 3 prong flasher? A 3 prong flasher will NOT work on these bike, you will need a 2 prong, and just plug it in with 2 of the prongs plugged in, if it doesn't come on at all, then try it the other way. The flashers in these things are SPECIAL and are not ordinary automotive flashers.
Gutted but glad
Had a rider on a forum I frequent on this side of the pond that went down involving a semi truck and trailer, and the trailer went over her and the bike. She was wearing full gear, but didn't have the jacket and pants zipped together and it pulled the pants down and de-gloved on leg and partially de-gloved the other. She is still in hospital three months later dealing with skin grafts and physical therapy. The lesson here is it's not good enough to just wear the gear, but you need to wear it correctly with it all fastened together so it doesn't come apart in an accident.
How not to clean a bike
Well, I don't know. I always do the spraying down with the engine running in gear (400 which has a chain) but never with anything closer to the chain than about 4 inches. Then shut it down and scrub it off, then start it again and spray on the lube. This of course is always after a 15-20 min ride to warm up the chain first. But never never never touch a moving chain. They use the things to cut down trees!.
gear change.
I doubt it would work, as you don't seem to have down that shifts need to be firm. If you do a firm full stroke each time (no pun intended here) the shift will work whether its from 1st to 2nd or any other gear. It's not really uncommon for inexperienced riders to have trouble with some shifts (and on occasion even experienced riders can have trouble) but you just need to cultivate the habit of firmly pressing the shift lever till it stops each time (you won't hurt it, it's got stops to protect it).
Resurrecting a 78 xs 400 thats been sitting for five years
That screw controls where the throttle plates sit when you release the throttle. To lower the idle your closing them more, to raise it your opening them. If the idle it too high, the mixture screws won't work right and you can't get the mixture set like it should be. When you get it right, it should idle real nice at 1200 RPM and nice and steady.
I got my 81 xs400 running WOOO!!!
No gasket required on that cover. The units that had points under there did, but the electronic ignition models don't use a gasket there.
79 400 xs..
If you go to a low backpressure exhaust and cone filters you WILL have to rejet. And while someone might be able to give you a starting point the only real way to do it is to do plug chops and adjust the jetting.
'running lights'?
There is a unit under the tank that handles that. With the stock blinker unit the third pin is an enabler and when you push the signal switch to the right or left a signal is sent to the tunr canceler and it enables the flasher, it also has a magnetic reed switch in the speedo that sends it signals so it knows if your moving and approx how fast/far. I'm working on figuring out how to retain auto cancel with an aftermarket flasher so I can use LED bulbs without load equalizers (which defeats the purpose of the LED bulbs which is to lower current draw on a stretched as tight as a drum charging system). But as I was saying, those auto cancel units can go bad, as mine has partially done. When the temps get hot, it stops cancelling, (this is on my 400) and the auto cancel unit seems to be made of unobtainium. So next would be to reverse engineer that unit as well, but I'm not sure it's worth it (the flasher adapter might be as I suspect it's going to be simple to make, but I haven't gotten far enought on it to be sure yet.)
'running lights'?
Yeah, my 75 honda had running lights too. As does my 80 XS1100, but the XS400 doesn't. A lot of the XS line didn't have them, particularly the specials.
Resurrecting a 78 xs 400 thats been sitting for five years
You need to start out with the idle mixture screws out about 1 1/2 turns. Then slowly turn them out one carb at a time to highest idle speed (and then adjust the idle speed, there is a knob between the two carbs for that) then turn them down just a bit (it should be slightly lean but not too much). Lean idle will cause it to hang coming back to idle when warm, and if the idle speed is set too high (which it sounds like it is) the mixture screws will have little if any affect, so turn it down with the knob in between the carbs and work your way from there. These things can run very well and idle pretty smooth for a two cylinder with no counter shafts or other vibration reducing devices). I ended up with my mixture screws at about 5 turns out with our crap california gas, but the 80's are known (at least in the U.S.) as being way too lean in stock condition.
If it ain't one thing. it's another.
Well that is partly true. They don't stock all the parts even for the 400, and definetely not all the parts for my XS1100. In particular a lot of the less popular rubber parts are no longer available, and some ring sizes etc. I'm starting to consider picking up a couple of parts bikes just to make sure I have parts for the future, or course knowing me I'll fix them up and get them running and then they won't be parts bikes anymore.