Everything posted by GirlieRider
GirlieRider - name finally earned
Don't worry Jerry I'm really luvin my 125. We've bin out twice today, firstly with hubby riding tail gunner on his beemer keeping the pesky varmint drivers away from me, then he took the lead on a new route this afternoon. We went along the old A12 (Yoda I'm sure you know where I mean, we came through Belstead village) so got up to a breezy 50mph!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It no longer has the benefit of National Speed limit but that wuz quick enuf for me for now I made the mistake of wearing my mesh jacket but it had cooled down since this morning so I got a little chilly but I wuz grinnin like a maniac whilst squeezing my tank really tight with me knees We even overtook a car which was pootling along doing 40mph on the way back down it. An examiner sure couldn't have marked me down for not making due progress Sorry it's truly sad all this I know but we all have to start somewhere I'm really getting into counter steering, thank goodness for brilliant riding instructors telling us newbies all this stuff You all will be relieved to know I'm away for a few days from tomorrow morning so you get some relief from girlie waffling Cheers. Amanda
Labor Day Sprint.....
Hey just how much salt do you just wanna rub in our wounds over here Yamahead?!!!!!! Amanda
New to riding
Ditto!! No pressure on us then Amanda
Copdock Bike Show 7th October
Copdock Bike Show Anyone going? I haven't been for years, not since it used to be a muddy mess in Copdock Village in the old days B4 it transferred to the Suffolk Show Ground. Hope the stunt guy is there again, hubby sed it wuz amazing! Amanda
Tee Hee, love the Soap Box!!!!!!!!
Labor Day Sprint.....
Oops I've upset Yoda, that's me well and truly told off, I'll go and stand on the naughty square for a while (my primary school, which yes was in Northumberland , had one) and contemplate the error of my ways Meanwhile all you folks the other side of the pond who haven't done so yet get travelling abroad, you're soooo missing out! Yes I know there's heaps to do within your own borders (we lived in LA for a coupla years and PCH1 was great fun on the way to the Superbikes at Laguna Seca plus I loved Lake Tahoe) but we don't bite over here, honest We're planning a haul from Suffolk to Crete hopefully sometime in 2009, hubby even sez he might just buy a BMW GS for the trip and sell it on afterwards, yikes! Amanda
New to riding
Congrats! Join the newbie sub section!! How are you planning on preparing for your test?
GirlieRider - name finally earned
Hi Rooster, Ooh flattery, that'll work every time! Thank you. I got a nasty reality check earlier, hubby got home early so I dragged him down to the dealers and I sat on the GPZ500. I felt like a kiddie eating at a grown ups dining table. Waaaayyyyy too much of a stretch to get my likle short arms past the whopping great tank and feel even half way in control of the beastie Ah well. Time to stop being a Girlie, concentrate on riding my 125 and passin my test. I'll dream of new bikes once I've got thru that hurdle. Booked another 2 hour lesson so loads to practice before then Cheers. Amanda
Labor Day Sprint.....
Serious scenery envy going on this side of the pond We've got some pretty good stuff too (I'm originally from Northumberland so am well used to coasts, castles, hills and Roman invaders!) but it's all a long ol' way from fairly boring Suffolk where I live at the moment. Best o' luck with the techie tinkering. Amanda
GirlieRider - name finally earned
Cheers Yamahead. Yoda you are so cheeky Actually I might be defecting manufacturer's already!! I mentioned in passing to Mark at Orwells during yesterday's coffee break that I'd bin thinking about a GPZ500 and he grinned and sed "what like the one we've just got in?" Ahh rats. Now I'm in a big quandry. I'll have to drag hubby down tomorrow and see how much they want for it. It wasn't even priced yesterday! Amanda
GirlieRider - name finally earned
Whoo hoo. Did my 2 hour lesson with Andy from IRT today and loved it all. Soooo busy learning I had no flippin time to let me nerves take over. Nice to know even the experts aren't always perfect though. He kept nicking my YBR125 to demo stuff at the off road site where we started off (think it made him larf as he's all long and lanky and did look pretty funny) and he caught neutral going up from 1st to 2nd which I do too often for my liking. I find I have to make sure I've rolled the throttle totally off and kick like mad on the shifter but it's getting better. We then set off via Sproughton, Chantry & Stoke Park with the [got to be done] stop at Orwells for a coffee by which time I wuz gaspin'. Guess who didn't know the landlords have installed lay flat car park barriers at both entrances (local riders BE WARNED there are 3 of these devils at both entrances)? I'd seen them 2 days before hand but he got caught out and that spooked me so I stopped on the drive up and then fluffed me hill start AND a ratty car behind me tore off his exhaust on the laid flat barrier It gave some added interest to the coffee break mind to watch two officers from a Crash Investigation Unit van who were taking a break to drool over the stock inside tow this young lad's car off the barriers whilst he trailed behind with his exhaust in his hand So anyone from the Ipswich area please wave to this mad wifey who is probably grinnin from ear to ear riding round on her (still) shiny red L-plated YBR wearing a far-too-big-for-her reflective harness (I must stitch that up, it was flappin off me left shoulder at 30mph) Cheers. Amanda
New YBR - Need to go on a long journey!
Er dense question time, if you're not due back at college until end of the month (and I'm presuming Sept here) weather permitting why don't you get out and just ride it and see if you can clock up the initial 600 miles before slogging down to Southampton? Cheers. Amanda
YBR125 Advice needed
Flippin cheek!!! As to the go get more training I'm gonna start an argument here by saying in terms of bike riding skills isn't that a more typically female way to go about it?! I bet the two chaps who were on my CBT course haven't [faffed around] doing slow speed manouvres/trying to perfect safe braking etc since Tee hee, trust me to stir it Amanda
YBR125 Advice needed
Master Yoda he right, again I've booked a lesson with Andy from Ipswich Rider Training for next Thursday (wow they're busy!!) so rather than bottle it like I've done before we risked Merc dealership last night. Brilliant fun! MUCH better at braking, stopping on a curve, did loads of mock junctions and came away shattered but smiling. Even got away with it despite a visit from the new land owner who happened to be passing BTW for all you Ipswich based folks be warned I'm starting off at British Sugar at 9.30am next Thursday and will end up chez nous in Stoke Park by 11.30am so STAY OFF THE ROADS
YBR125 Advice needed
Yes I know I shoulda done but the growing audience had given me a severe attack of the wobblies - and I mean me nerves as well as my bike control - and I needed to go home, lie down in a darkened room and calm down Stupid woman. Bin busy since so hoping to get back out there 2nite and sort meself out BTW whatdya reckon the chances are of using the ex Mercedes dealership car park on Ranelagh Rd? I see they've decamped to the other side of town. We should get the 125 round the side of the barrier
YBR125 Advice needed
Okey kokey, ta for that. My sweetheart hubby's bin tinkering with me bike today after we got pushed off "my" practice car park by ITFC supporters Guess who forgot to check when the home matches were Cheers. Amanda
YBR125 Advice needed
Unfortunately no garage means I have to keep my 56 plate YBR outside under a heavy duty cover. I'm only on L plates and it's not getting heaps of use other than mincing round a local car park practicing manouvres whilst getting my nerve up to go on the road post CBT but the rear brake is squeeking like mad and getting on my nerves. Apart from "get a garage" has anyone got any advice to lessen/get rid of the racket?! I might also find myself getting in trouble when I go back to rider training for some lessons 'cos they'll know if I'm cheating and using my rear brake 'cos the noise really gives me away It's probably the weather etc 'cos I don't remember it being bad when I picked it up from the dealers 2 weeks ago. Crikey has it really only bin 2 weeks, feels like it's bin mine for ages Now that I'm over nose diving the front brake I'm really starting to enjoy it! Cheers. Amanda
Newbie girlie rider sez hi/help!
Thank you so much to everyone for the feedback/encouragement/suggestions it's really, really appreciated I'll get hubby/mates to look at me riding n see if my arms are too short for current setup (not beyond the realms of possibility, I'm only 5'4"!!). Meanwhile see photo/avatar, if anyone can spot any obvious flaws please let me know. Atlantasmittee84 thx for the pointers, will try/note for next practice session - rained off for a coupla days, boo Nigeee best o' british with your CBT. If u r doin' it at Wharfedale Rd don't take any stick off Rob, give as good as you get Cheers!
Newbie girlie rider sez hi/help!
Doh sorry I'll have to plead ignorance on that one
Newbie girlie rider sez hi/help!
I know!! This morning we went to the Chamber of Commerce car park, nice n quiet apart from a chappie doing stunts on a BMX push bike in the end lot. Set out some cones and did lots of braking practice - getting much better, much less nose diving! Mind you you can tell when I cheat and use the back brake 'cos it squeeks like mad. Thank goodness for a patient encouraging hubby. Any Ipswich locals going to the Suffolk Ride Pitstop day at Orwells on Sat 22nd Sept I'm aiming to be there on my own bike with hubby on his BMW. See you there.
Newbie girlie rider sez hi/help!
Cheers! I spent an hour on the bike Friday evening at a local car park and managed to get quite a few right turns/u-turns in, whoo hoo! Now I need to learn how to brake so I don't nose dive the front everytime The front disc is great but it don't half grab
Newbie girlie rider sez hi/help!
Ahh a local! Good point about Orwells, will just have to watch all the construction workers traffic that parks there these days Cheers for the encouragement.
Newbie girlie rider sez hi/help!
Wotcha everyone So ok I'm 43, over 18 years married and am on my third go at starting to ride Attempt No 1: When we lived in Los Angeles for hubby's job in 2001, I thought good weather, nowt much else to do with my time (not allowed to work, shame, and no kids) why not?! Did California Motorcycle Safety Foundation course, bailed first one 'cos of extreme heat and major blisters on my hands!! Bought a brand new Kawakasi Ninja 250R in girlie yellow and purple paint scheme (doesn't seem to be available anymore). Lots of practice on parking lots in Winnetka area where we lived in the Valley aided by my lovely patient hubby. Loved my bike, BIG cheesy grins every time I rode it. Went back on the course October 2001 and passed - Hubby lost his job the very next day!!!! Sold my bike to a neighbour and flew home 3 weeks later. Attempt No 2: Mid life crisis, took UK CBT August 2003 with a mate of ours, what is it with me and riding in heatwaves?! We nearly melted that day but felt pretty confident and enjoyed it. Then I bottled it. Used lack of funds as an excuse to not get a bike but truth wuz I lost my nerve. Attempt No 3: Retook CBT this August and got a bike quick smart. Settled on 56 plate YBR125 in red. Only bin out once since but managed to get going and not fall off. Trouble is I picked up an old problem on this CBT and I need to work on curing it. I have trouble with throttle control, instructor said I'm possibly dropping my wrist which makes right turns, u-turns and figures of 8 a 'mare!!! Anyone got any sage words of advice/tricks to try?! Once we find somewhere off road where I can practice lots I'll stick at it till I sort it. Promise. Cheers.