Everything posted by smithac87
Chain and Sprocket
Im am currently in the market for a 520 chain and sprocket set up for a 07 yamaha r6s I am adding 2 teeth in the rear and dropping one in the front which would put my bike at a 520/15/50 set up does anyone have any experiance with this set up and if u do was it worth it! And what brand you think is best!
Im searching the market for the best synthetic oil on the market I cant find any real helpful input on the internet about comparring bike oils! was looking towards Royal Purple or even Amsoil but havnt made up my mind any input or self experiance with oils would be appreciated!
R1 vs R6
Hey man, personally I dont believe in that whole start with less then make more theory but agian thats just ME! I believe if you want to ride a 1000 b4 a 600 be my guest I like to think that the rider has more control than the bike does yes the R1 has alot more torque an power stock but u also control how you ride the bike! if you think youir gonna hop right on and go balls to the wall majority shows that you will f%# up! whether you make a turn to hard or hitting gravel for the first time it can catch you off guard! the throttle is in your hand no one elses ease back dont crank just like squeeze the trigger dont pull! and soon enough you"ll get the feel and comfort zone you need to ride to your satisfaction! make sure you explore all enviorments to see how the bike reacts like balck top against asphalt or gravel against dirt they all handle different so the sooner you find that out you"ll know how to react when you hit it! Now as far as performance goes I personaly ride a 2007 r6s not my first bike had a 2003 honda cbr 1000 and will never buy a 1000 again! yeah i know its not an R1 but whatever! as far as bang for your buck I believe a 600 is the way to go! I bought my bike out of the box for 8 G's even! have seen R1's get to 11000 dollars at SOME places have 9500 at others so shop wisely! the R1 is about 40 punds heavier dry weight length is roughly the same! Now 40 punds may not seem like a huge deal off the bat but you can notice a huge difference if you sit on both bikes! R6 runs about 350 lbs while the R1 is about 390 as far as control goes theres no agrument anywhere the r6 has the r1 beat in any cornering anywhere rides on rails! plus you have a huge powerband on an r6 redlines at 17500 but tops at 1800! Personaly I have put a yoshimura trc carbon fiber exhaust K&N intake and type III power commader which gave a significant boost in power and have beaten R1 yes you can do the same to an R1 and more than likely beat the R6 but again price total of 8800 bucks for r6 around 10000 for r1! Of course depneding on the rider! the r6 comes factory with about 130 h.p. almost 10-20 more h.p. than most other 600's in its class! Yes the r1 has about 10 more mph then the r6 has but yeah going REALLY STRAIGHT REALLY FAST IS LOADS OF FUN puh! the rush comes from taking a corner at 120 which can be hell raising with an r1 or heavenly with an r6! Yes were men and it will always be bigger is better more power woof woof woof but there is no better feeling than smoking a 1000 regardless of what brand and knowing you paid alot less for it! the performance mods are easy exhaust is bolt on filter is just replaced now for power commander I bought mine online from morepowerracing.com what they do is when you purchase your commander call them at there 1-800 # and they will send your commander back to the dyno jet company and they will professionally tune your commander to your intake and exhaust no matter what brand you have! and send it back to you just plug mount and play! so that is all stuff you can do in a basic garage with basic tools! sorry for the essay but just with my opion and i do respect everyone elses regardless of what they ride thats just my perogitive take it or leave it! Hope you have fun with your new bike whatever it may be! ride safe and ride hard!
I have a 2007 yamaha r6s with the following modifications -yoshimura trc carbon fiber slip on exhaust -K&N air filter -Type III powercommander -competition werkes fender kit -puig dark smoke screen -carbon fiber racing pegs -black shitfter -pig spotter rear view mirrors -elctro pod led neon kit (red) -carbon tank pad -carbon look grips -led flush mount signals -H7 neon headlights (blue) soon to come aluminum radiator fan, low jack alaram kit, steering damper, black rear sets. Seriously considering Nitrous oxide kit was wondering if anybody has a kit already and was wondering if it was worth the money and any suggestions as to what brand is best? Since I do not have high comp pistons yet was just gonna outfit with smaller 20 shot nozzle!