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Everything posted by Lonewolf

  1. hi guys ... i would like some help here a few weaks ago i had an exident i ran into 2 bycicles and an expert is coming to see the damedge the yamaha has to run he says so i need to do the repairment this week pleas help me!!!! wel now i thinking of replacing the egnision coul next to the condenser i hope that works.... If i cant solve this problem ........then i m going to sell my orange yamaha monster cause i dont have money for all these repairs ... If i cant fix it and sell it i m going to buy ether a Gilera GSM ore an Rieju RR from the year 2000-2006 so if you can help me you can help me keeping one more yamaha on the road ,Another piece of wonderful history!! LoneWolf P.S. wanna see photo's of the yamaha now?? look here : http://www.brommerforum.nl/gallery/view/2824 if you see the photo's i d like your meaning HOT ore NOT and why.....
  2. well now thanks for the reply but i thought i found it... i replaced the condenser (http://shop.wemoto.com/pictures.dyn?u=2147569qqq5828015) and ir ran perfectly but just for 2 days . now its broken AGAIN and i realy dont knw what to do i took it for say 12 km and it is broken again..... i cant tell what i m doing wrong ( i even didnt flatout it 75km/h) well at least the cops dont get me with my zundapp cuz it speeds only 50 and thats just alowed on the roads here... well i hope you guys can tell me ore else i dont know anything else than sending it to the moped shop 40 km from here so waiting for you're sugestions kind regards LoneWolf
  3. Hi.... I bought a yamaha dt50 mx 4 weeks ago and 2 weeks later i had an problem starting and driving it it suposed to be an ecnition problem .......i checked the bougie and the sparkplug both are ok even the sparkgaps are correctly adjusted and clean, what schould i do Sorry for my bad english but i come from holland and i m trying everything to solve this problem i i supose you guys know alot about this moped, even though my dad is a mechanic and thought me everything he knowed about engines and electronics. But we both cant find the real problem i can only discribe it like: when you are driving the yamaha and its good warm like 30 mins driving it starts to stop the engine the engine fails and you come to a stop sometimes you l have to push it for 2 meters and is ok again sometimes you cant do anything else than walk it home ,like everytimes it just starts the last 10 meters end just runs properly until you drive it good warm again and then the problem makes its way round and starts again......... Pleas help me Jen van de Venne