DT 50 Choking Plugs
Hi. Tried that put a new one in.
DT 50 Choking Plugs
Hi All. It's been a while since I've been on here. I have a DT 50 1984 model. The plugs keep choking I have checked the air fuel mixture and even changed the carb. It started just after I changed the points. I took it for a spin got 50 out of it . The next day it would not start. I checked the spark and it was intermittent. I changed the plug got a great spark, took it for a spin it ran ok the next day would not start. The same thing happened again. I changed the coil and still the same thing.. Hope someone can help i'm stuck Dave.
DT 50
Hi all, my son has a DT 50MX 1984 model. There was a problem with the wiring which we sorted ok. Since then when you turn the handlebars to the right the engine starts to rev high. I have tried re-routing the throtle cable with no joy. Has anyone got any ideas. They would be much appreciated. Cheers Dave.
Yam DT 50MX 1984
Thanks for all tour help. I changed the flasher unit and charged the battery all works fine now. Got a new battery on order as this one is not holding a charge for long. Thanks again. Dave.
Yam DT 50MX 1984
Thanks for the help, tried the arms, he's to lazy, kids these days. Got a new flasher relay, never worked, I will try charging the battery and checking the cells tomorrow. I think that will be ok as all the other lights work, will let you know how i get on. Cheers Dave.
Yam DT 50MX 1984
Hi all, my son has a DT 50 MX and the indicators just stopped working. I thought it might be the switch, however, when you turn them on the neutral switch dims as though the indicators are getting power. Could it be the flasher unit or does anyone have any other ideas. All the other lights work fine. Thanks for reading. Hope you can help. Dave.
DT 50
Thanks for all your help. I gave up and took it to the garage. I will post what was wrong when I find out. Thanks again Dave.
DT 50
Hi all, Thanks for your suggestions so far. Got the tank and carb clean now, took for a test drive and it still cuts out after about a mile, tried putting the choke on it made no difference also tried taking the petrol cap off, again no difference. When I pulled the clutch in it ticked over ok. When driving it starts a bit sluggish in every gear and all of a sudden takes off then like i say after a mile stutters and splutters and dies off, if you pull over for 30 secs she goes well again for a short period. He did run out of 2 stroke that is why I replaced the bore, However, I did bleed the 2 stroke. All the earths are good. Now im all out of options
DT 50
Ho Paul, I tried that one already, its got me quite stumped, i will drain the tank incase there is dirt in there, cant do it tomorrow afternoon, I will let you know what happens.
DT 50
Sorry about that. I took the fuel pipe off turned on the tap and the flow was good, do you think it could be dirt moving around in the tank?
DT 50
I have recently replaced the bore and piston. And it was happening before I replaced it. It jerks and stutters then restarts and is ok for a couple of miles. It happens when the engine is both warm and cold, also when it is ridden gently. When it cuts out, Its almost like its running out of fuel. Dont know about when the clucth is pulled in, I will get him to try it. It has a standard exhaust and air filter
DT 50
Hi all, my son has a DT50 MX 1986 model. after he has been driving for around 2 miles his engine starts to cut out. If he drops the revs for a couple of mins it runs ok again. Im stuck for answers, has anyone got ant ideas. PLEASE. Cheers Dave.
1986 DT 50
Hi all, my son has got a 1986 DT 50 MX. He was out for a spin when the engine started loosing power and died on him, he noticed that he had no 2 stroke oil left in the tank(numpty) and pushed the bike home. I have had a look at it topped up with oil, bled it through but the bike wont start. Looking on futher got a good spark from the plug but after kicking for a while there seems to be no fuel going to the engine. I have stripped the carb and reassembled it. No blockages and fuel runs into it ok. Tried to bump it and still the plug is dry. Any help would be great. Thanks Dave. Yes he is a plonker.
1986 DT 50
Hi all, my son has got a 1986 DT 50 MX. He was out for a spin when the engine started loosing power and died on him, he noticed that he had no 2 stroke oil left in the tank(numpty) and pushed the bike home. I have had a look at it topped up with oil, bled it through but the bike wont start. Looking on futher got a good spark from the plug but after kicking for a while there seems to be no fuel going to the engine. I have stripped the carb and reassembled it. No blockages and fuel runs into it ok. Tried to bump it and still the plug is dry. Any help would be great. Thanks Dave. Yes he is a plonker.
Ye I put the ball bearing back in. found the problem it was the plates sticking together. Thanks for the help. Dave.
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