Hello All,
i currently have an issue i would like some help with please.
i have a 2006 model R1 and numerious people i have been following home at night have informed me that when they view me in there mirrors my main headlight looks like i am constantly flashing them(going from normal beam to high beam and back) !! I have had a look and i can see nothing loose, is this a current issue with the 2006 model???
Its annoying me now as other bikers think i am flashing them to inform them of a problen with their bikes when i am not. Please help?
Has anyone else found this with the 2006 model? can someone go check theirs to see if its the same or not for them... i let my brother take my bike out last night and i got ahead of him and it does look like the beam going on and off all the time with the movement of the bike. I know they have this new fan dangled light system with reflectors but i didnt think it would cause this problem...
Many thanks