Everything posted by Dadog
Hi Trashman. Yep. I've just got myself a beast of a MT-01! Only done 60 odd miles so still getting used to it. Previously rode a Honda CBF1000. On the MT I found myself carrying too much speed into sharp corners and put this down to the deceptive sound of the motor - like it was ticking over when I'm doing 50mph! Lovely to ride, with great balance in traffic and holds good line through long bends. Not too sure about the Metzeler tyres - think they need a good scrub in before sticking it hard into corners. It's only 20kg heavier than my Honda and doesn't feel it. Doesn't 'flick' quite as easily but hey - give me a few more miles!! Hope you enjoy yours - when you get it. Dave.
- Mt01/03
new to club
- Hallo!
Good Bike Insurance Site!
Interesting posts - and thanks all for the info. Sometimes I don't understand insurance! I have just replaced a Honda CBF1000F with my Yam. MT-01. Eagle Star wanted an additional £175. Why? The Honda is 20 kg lighter, faster top speed, quicker 0-6omph but worth £1000 less. Doesn't make sense to me. Any experts out there who can explain the grouping system? Dave.
I joined the club yesterday and then posted an intro in the wrong place! Typical! Nobody will see it in the middle of Street bikes and stuff. Hi everyone. I pick up my new MT-01 today and am sitting here full of excitement and a fair bit of trepidation! Anyone else out there with an MT and can give any advice - other than hang on tight?!! Dave
New member
Hi everybody! Just joined today and finding my way around the site. Trading in my CBF1000F and picking up a nice new MT-01 tomorrow! Very excited! Apprehensive as well. Many more MT's out there?