Everything posted by yoda
- R6 Oil Light
- hellppp!!
Desperation Plea
It could be fuel starvation. When you filled up with fuel, you might have taken up some dirt or released some that's got into the lines, fuel tap or carbs. Try cleaning it all and put fresh fuel in.
82 Seca 400 electrical woes - bike shut down while riding
Take the fuse out and do a continuity check on it.
the plane that crashed in the hudson
The motors on the 'plane weigh 6 tons each, 10 feet in diameter and produce 80,000 lbs of thrust. Your FS1 would get up to about 300 miles an hour but the fuel tank would be empty in about 1 second.
engine blows
Make your eyes water!
Is new speedo over-reading...
You should expect an error on the speedo of not more than 10%.
- Two up
DT 125 Bogging down under power
Sound like its running too rich. You need to service the carb.
Wheelie crash at 90mph with helmet cam
That has got to hurt!
dark side divvy
Well you can now buy a 2009 Divi and keep it for best!
Chain & sprockets
As always, buyer beware.
Miami 2009
You can rent bikes in Miami, just make sure you take your license.
Removing shock bolt
This is the wrong stuff to use. You need to use a penetrating fluid and give it time. The item has seized due to corrosion so you need to penetrate that. When you re-assemble put some grease on the bolt.
wont start
If the spark plugs are firing, the engine must start. If not then you have low compression. If the plugs are not firing but the engine turns over on the starter, then it's the kill switch.
- exhaust downpipe
lights or not in the day?
I made a mistake. It's 2010 that compulsory daylight lighting starts. I find this very worrying as the standard of driving in this country (UK) is now down to third world standards.
lights or not in the day?
It matters not about on or off because in 2011 it will be compulsory to have daylight driving lights.
Stupid f*cking thick c*nts
Go to the local station and make sure you have your docs with you. Then you can make a complaint.
Stupid f*cking thick c*nts
You must go to the police and report this accident. If he goes to hospital and has witnesses you might be in trouble. Anyway you have to report the accident so that you can make a complaint and sue for damages. He must live close by and have a habit of being on that bit of road at that time. Wait for him.
Oil Leak 96 XJ 600 Seca II
Have you checked all your breather pipes for blockage? Even transfer ports within the engine can get blocked. All of these will cause pressurisation and weeping bolts.
Bike won't start in the cold
There are several things that cause poor cold starting. The two that stand out are poor battery and lower compression. The combination of the two will prove painful.
shaft oil coming out of breather
I think the shaft drive system is being pressurised by the gearbox. It might be that the engine/gearbox vent pipes are blocked causing the whole crankcase to be pressurised which has then blown the seal on the gearbox output shaft. Either that or you have gearbox oil leaking into the shaft area. Same seal.
Just a little thought to myself...
The Moon must have been brighter!!!
Knobhead on my street
I still like my tyre valve stem idea the best. You have to do all four though.