Everything posted by yoda
Satellite Navigation on a Motorbike?
There is no need to block out your L plates. You are trained to a higher standard than the L plate, so you can even carry passengers with the plate on. Next step up is a new 250cc as the engines are now 4 stroke and produce 30 hp. They are alot cheaper than the 600's which need to be detuned. Expect to pay about £3500 for 2008 models.
Brand new DT175...headlamp dims profusely when brake light and/or indicators are used.
The battery acts as a buffer for changes of load. Therefore the engine load remains much the same. When drawing load directly from the electrical generator on the engine, any change in load will affect the running of the engine. It should not make any difference whether the earth (ground) has ac or dc or a mix of the two if the connections between the engine/gearbox, battery and frame are good.
new rider
You are just so got to get a bigger bike Amanda!!
Another Darn Newbie
You deserve a medal for the ride to work and back on such a small machine. Must be economical!!!!!
front fork seal replacement and questions
You would need special sheet metal tools to knock the dents out. Go to a sheet metal working establishment and offer someone a little money. The work must be done from an internal anvil and planninshing hammers on the outside. The alternative is to rub down the tank and fill. Finish off with a total repaint in your colours.
XVS125 Dragstar am I too big enough???
Do you have to buy a bike this size? A 650cc would be more suitable for your power to weight ratio. Pass your test first and then decide.
new rider
There will be a 2008 version of this bike out soon.
battery charging problems on xv250
You can measure the voltage at the terminals. Clean up the engine /frame ground and ensure that the terminals are tight. This will ensure that there is maximum charge for thew battery.
2000 R6 with oil in airbox
True, could be badly worn piston rings etc. To find out, have the compressions checked on all cylinders.
who rubbers you prefer?
Brings a new meaning to 'India Rubber' How about Grecian 2000 Profs. Burnout the streets of Greece!
New to riding
It's all very well having an extended motorcycle test due to higher incidences of riders injuries and deaths but what about the car drivers that cause most of them? I believe that all drivers except disabled should spend one year on two wheels and have to pass a test before they can apply for a car licence. That would reduce accidents. I would also remove the right of foreign drivers to be able to drive on UK roads for more than one month without taking and passing a written test and then a full driving test after three months.
xj 600 diversion
Check the earth on the engine/frame and battery connections first. These should be good, clean and not loose. Always check the lowest common denominator first!!
intermittent spark
As it's the elk season, I will not help you.
new rider
You can kill or maim yourself on any bike, the more powerful, the quicker. Do get used to the roads and riding on a 250cc first.
yo, fellow aussies
interesting ride for you lot to join up!!
2000 R6 with oil in airbox
Oil in the airbox can be caused by several things. First wheelies cause all sorts of problems such as this. Second, blocked cranckcase/head vents. Third overfilling with oil. Why did you put that oil in it?
2007 V Star Classic, Red
Custom parts are always available from the USA first. Do an internet search.
fj1200 front end shaking
With that sort of problem and taking into account the age of the bike, I would think that the cost of changing the rear shock was worth it. Wish I had thought about the rear end. All is not what it seems to be!
1981 XV 750
Welcome to the affray! Think you should get about 46 miles to the imp. gallon.
just another newby
Welcome and I think you mean 'meet up' as what you wrote has other meanings.
Fz750 1986 Center Sparkplugs
If your cylinders 2&3 are constantly oiling up, I suggest that it is time for a strip down. You will need to replace, at the very minimum, the piston rings and valve seals. To give it a full overhaul means new pistons and rings and new valves and guides etc. This has probably happened because the centre cylinders run hotter than the outers and there is more wear. Just a thought. Check all of the crankcase breathers for blockage. If the crankcase starts to pressurise then the oil will blow past the piston rings and valve guides..
A realistic expectation from a RXS100 ???
May stardust line your route!
Copdock Bike Show 7th October
Might be seeing you!
Labor Day Sprint.....
The lake might look like the Med. but the water temperature doesn't get much above freezing.
V-Star 1300
Generally speedos read about 10% more. This also ups your milage. So if yours is reading low then you must have bigger wheels on your bus!!! It might be paralax error, as I cannot remember if the speedo is digital.