Everything posted by yoda
need help
Manufactures nearly always use brake house power (Japan, PS) at the crankshaft whereas the man with the dynamometer brake will give you observed brake horse power at the rear wheel. If you wish to know what the conversion is, take the manufactures figure and take 15% off and it will be right within about 1 bhp. So the figure of 105 bhp is about right. You are of course paying your insurance, impart, on 125 bhp. Makes sence doesn't it!!!
Tubes in tubeless tyres
It is not something that I would advise. Any tyre slippage is going to cause a problem with the tube. I feel that the injection of sealing compound might have been a better idea. Tyres will lose a bit of pressure when the air temperature drops as well as when cold. Also do you use the same pressure gauge to check them? If the rims are cast then it is possible that they are porous and will lose air. This seems to be the most likely candidate to your problem. Coat the inside of the rims in a paint or lacquer to seal them.
my fz6 fazer s2
Watch you don't get nicked with that number plate. It's an easy stop for the police.
Knobhead on my street
If you cut through the air valve stem on each wheel, it will stop him. The valve has to be put in from the inside so it will cost him.
dvlc lost my records
Your not the first to have this problem. There have been many cases and DVLC will not admit that they have a problem. I think they had work processed elsewhere (USA?) and they didn't do it properly.
yamaha genisis wont start
It might just be that the starter motor is not spinning up enough. Other than that it could be lack of fuel on starting, probably a blockage.
- Advice please
Has anyone done an ABS removal on a FJ1200A ?
Probably not on a BMW!! I know there are some braking problems on some BMW's but I haven't heard of any on Yamahas.
Confusing engine problem
You are talking out of your backside. If you change the carbs and it still happens then its not the carbs.
Confusing engine problem
The most obvious answer Eric, is that you are getting a fuel vapour lock when the bike is hot. It must be common to all carbs otherwise it would still run and its not electrics as they heat up quickly and the bike runs. So you must examine your fuel feed pipe and see where its getting hot.
We got married on Saturday
Well done Maria, teach your babies to ride!
FZIN 2008 Top Speed
Frankly no. The aerodynamics breakdown way before 200mph.
wot is the best yamaha of all time
The best Yamaha is the next new design to come out of the factory.
Might the sun explode if i use the wrong battery?
Your bike will explode with all that extra power. Not really! Just make sure that you connect it the right way round and that the terminals are not touching anything. Ensure that the battery is clean and secure.
OMG what are these 2 thinking....
The police never found out what those two were on or why they were behaving like that. One of them was hit twice by cars and trucks, the other once. The hospital that they eventually were sent too has not said which drugs they had taken or if they had but to overcome their injuries and still fight on, they were clearly on something strong.
transmission gearing change
I would think that unless you had new clusters made up, your gearbox will remain the same. The only way you can really change the gearing is the sprockets. However if you have a racing company near you and enough money, go for it.
FZIN 2008 Top Speed
FZ1 on a timed run was 159 mph, that's 254.4 Kph. That is without mph clock inaccuracy of 10%. If you want to know what horse power you have at the back wheel then divide the manufacturers output figure by 15% and you will be very close to the truth.
When was ABS available? S2, a better bike?
ABS was introduced with the FZR 600 S2 in 2007. Most motorcycles in the future will be fitted with ABS and Honda are currently starting to fit this on the whole range.
Bike thief
Give up while you are coming a close second!
To the driver of the blue clio
You will find that carrying a 1 1/4 combination spanner (wrench for the USA) usually helps your case. Side windows are quite expensive to replace.
- Wanna help me?
Just dont wana end up in this soon....
FZ1 Fazer running in period
I would do as it says in the book. Failing that, don't rev it hard or drive it hard but never load the engine by keeping it in high gear. Make sure you have the oil changed.
XVS1100 Dragstar fuel gauge
You could tee off the fuel pipe and run a pipe up to the tank side. This will give you the level in the tank all of the time. Bit dodgy if you spill over or soneone puts a ciggy out down it though!
Im still a bit scared pulling out of junctions
Practice as much as you can, these junctions are the best. You will not have a problem in the future with heavier bikes if you use hill junctions now. One day it will all come together and you will wonder what all the problems were!