Everything posted by yoda
barn find, what's it worth?
I would keep it as it will only go up in value. Good find though and an opportunity to ride something that can be compared with a modern counterpart. If your selling it put it on ebay and see how far it goes up!
MT-01 Safety Recall
Yamaha should have listed this recall as critical. There is obviously a major design weakness and a failure to use best engineering practice in design, materials and inspection.
new to club
Just thought I'd add my bit. Cost of fuel this side of the pond is about $ 9.90c for a UK gallon which is about 1.2 USG. Do you feel hard done by? I would recommend a solar powered fishing boat as this is more green.
Yamaha dtr125 refusing to start, fussy bugger.
Try taking the spark plug out and put it on the head with the lead connected, turn the engine over to ensure that you have a spark. If so , OK replace the plug and check the fuel.
xs400 idles then suddenly revs
You either have a sticking throttle cable or you have an air leak after the carb. Try the cable first.
2006 Yamaha R1 Headlight Issue
It is probably the height setting of the light unit itself rather than an intermittant electrical problem. have the beam height set up properly.
fzr revving prob
Pops and spits are mis-fires. There is something faulty with the ignition system. Try changing the spark plugs for new ones.
TZR problems. help??
Your compression pressure is low but ensure that you follow the manufactureers method of testing. It may be OK for low speed cranking.
my turn for the test
Bees knees, well done. Show the boys up!!!
Dragstar 125 as a first bike?
Get on it and ride.
First bike, 1975 xs500b (introductions)
You should check the tyres (tires) to find out how old they are. They could be rotten and burst on you. Well done though!!
My Yamaha Nouvo 115cc AT
Should have gone to Specsavers!!!!!
- test
XT225 died while doing 45
That'll teach you for doing 45 !!!!!!
Aiding and abbettting a felony?
How To Use Motorcycle Jack on V Star 1100 ?
You dont need to jack the bike up! You need a hole in the ground!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2005 YZF 600R
Your fuel system is contaminated and the tank etc needs flushing through. Never fill the tank from a jerry can or other metal can. Always use a garage filling station that has a high turnover ie a supermarket so that the fuel you buy is fresh. Fit a fuel filter to the fuel tank outlet and dont run low on fuel.
2000 R1, Oil in the Air Box
Too many wheelies are the probable cause. Clean it all out and check again in 100 miles.
FZ6 problem
This tends to be a fuelling problem. It's the old egg in the petrol tank syndrome. Runs for a time and then is sucked down and blocks the fuel tank outlet. Then the bike stops and after a while the egg floats back up and the engine starts. I'm not saying that you have an egg in the tank, but that you should treat the problem as such. Systematically check all of the fuel run ensuring that it is all free of contaminants and then check the carbs float chambers for dirt or blockage. If you have injectors, ensure that the high pressure pump is working all of the time. If all is well and you might have to do the above a couple of times, check that the battery terminals are not loose.