Everything posted by yoda
dear o deer
Drewps, you need a vacation!
Engine Stalling
Sounds more of a clutch problem. Check that first.
Sticking EXUP valve
It doesn't tell you what the problem is? It could be that the sensor has failed
XS360 Carb problems
First it could be fuel starvation, so clean the tank out and the petcock and lines. Secondly, if you have diaphragm carbs, it could be caused by a hole in the diaphragms. What ever it is, it most certainly is fuel problems.
Cornering Tires
Diablos, by the devil they are good!
SR500 no go
You have a fueling problem.
Ladies Leathers
There are several specialist shops on this subject and they sometimes advertise on MCN which is out on Wednesdays. I know of none in Scotland.
R6 something not right!!!!
There are so many things this could be that without a full dyno test, I would not guess the outcome. Anything else that it does?
How can I put 6 quarts of oil into my 535 Virago???
Don't run it with all that oil in it. You won't like the result.
Goff and more ink
Does my bum look big with this?
Laptop Processor Upgrade
Not unless the sockets are the same.
Crazy Tacho!
The counter head needs servicing. It is trying to screw itself completely around the clock.
Wii for the Ladies....
Dangerous fugitive on the loose!
I know at this time of year that it is time to customise wood and nails but does Foamy know this?
baking soda
By the time rainex has made the visor hardened, it would be time to change it anyway!
It really does sound like intermittent fuel blockage. It's the egg in the tank syndrome. Its OK for a few miles as the egg is dragged down by the fuel flow and then it blocks the outlet and stops the engine. Soon as you stop, the egg has floated to the top and away again you go. It must be in the tank.
Bike still wont run... rrrrghhh
Kick starting bikes is OK if the timing is spot on. Check the whole ignition system.
bike running on only two cylinders
Buy a real flat tracker you idiot!!!!
Speedo problems
Analogue speedos driven by cable work on a drag cup principle. The cable turns and a magnet rotates in the head moving a cup with the needle on it. If the cable is located and the speedo does not turn with it, then you need a new head.
r6 2001 using a lot of oil
OK I suspect that the engine breather tubes are blocked and as the engine crankcase pressurises, its blowing oil out or past the piston rings and burning it. If the casings are clean and the rear of the bike, it must be burning oil. You might find some in the airbox, so clean it, ride it and check again. Clean all breathers first.
Speedo problems
Need a new cable.
r6 2001 using a lot of oil
I assume you put oil in it?
xj600 cylinder head noise
Choke off, warm engine. If the knock will not go away and appears to be at the top of the engine, it is probably little end knock.
Fix or scrap?
It needs running in. The loss of power when accelerating is probably the float height of the carb. That assumes that the timing is spot on. You also need to check that the fuel tank and petcock are clean.
R1 hi temp message
The temperature sensor has failed or the wiring. There might be a fault code on the speedo.