Everything posted by yoda
New YBR - Need to go on a long journey!
Well thirty miles takes less than an hour so what's your problem? Running in a motorcycle is not a speed limitation but a load limit. The idea to limit the rpm is a catch-all so that even the lowest common denominator can look after their bike. The idea is that this complex machine will bed in and if anything is going to fall off it will do it at low speed. The rev limitation on the engine is to free up the bearings and not load it too much when the bores are tight and not fully lubricating. It is just as bad to rev under load as to not rev enough creating the same situation. So running in means being light on everything.
jacobite mcc
Will I have to bring my umbrella?
It was my birthday.....
Enough of this. This thread is pointless and aimless.
All of these bikes are wannabee Harleys
It's the fuel consumption that gets me. With all of the garages closing in the UK, driving a Harley anywhere is a logistical nightmare.
turn signal problem
Well I'm not there with you so I don't know what is actually wrong with your machine. I suggest that you start off by checking that you have done the wiring properly and then examine the outside of the box in which the new turn indicators came in, to find out if they are LED. If you find that the wiring is not shorting, disconnect one side and see if you have the same problem. Then do the other side. If you find that you have fitted LED lights, then you might have to fit a new turn relay for lighter duty.
Just Joined
You could have a Cornish flag, that with skull and crossbones.
Just Joined
Have a nice little Union Flag, full of pretty colours!
XJ petrol gauge
You can carry a rusty steel rod and dip the tank. That will cost nothing. However the tank sender probably requires removing and cleaning and if this works you will know straightaway. Also on the wiring diagram find out if there is an inline fuse. Check this is OK. Also check the wiring and terminals are still good.
78 xs400 carb help
Time for a full overhaul of the fuel and induction system. If fiddling makes little difference then something else is wrong.
what size bikes for my kids?
It's not the bikes but their natural abilities you should be investing in. They are too young really but can learn just as much on pedal bikes to enhance their balence and riding skills. When they can do extradinary things with cycles, then introduce motorbikes. I have seen this senario before and had the father of said demon child seriously talked to. The child survived dispite the worst (in this case) lack of training from the father.
turn signal problem
You have short circuited the wiring. Also if you have fitted turn indicaters that are LED, the loading is wrong and you need to introduce a sink so that the relay works properly. So many people have great ideas and no way of carrying them out properly.
Why do yall put pipes on your plastic bikes?
How about setting up another forum for ex Harley riders!!!!
XS400 Insufficient power to crank and spark. Aftermarket Ignition?
Nice Norweigen flag for someone who lives in the USA. I think your battery is on its last legs and by changing it, starting should not be a problem.
- TDM 900
Just a quick hello....
Start at the beginning. Why do you need help? With that selection of bikes, you must be an accomplished mechanic!!
Yamaha XS250
Yes agreed. Changing the dwell angle also changes the timimg. All my life I have hated points, now glad they are gone on most things.
YBR125 Advice needed
Merely complimenting you on your chosen path.
Yamaha XS250
Not so sure about that. You must have the points somewhere close first, otherwise it will affect the timing too much.
YBR125 Advice needed
God help us all!!! I'm glad that you are gaining in confidance. It's a pity that more riders don't do as you have done and booked further training. It's all very well zooming around on the bike fighting your lack of skills all the way but at the end of the journey should you feel that tired? No, so go get some training liked Amanda.
All of these bikes are wannabee Harleys
Eva, how sensible. How refreshing to read from someone who does not have an image problem.
xt 550
I think you have dirt in your fuel and its causing fuel starvation. You need to thoughly strip down the fuel system including the tank and clean the components. Refill with fresh fuel and try again.
dry to a wet clutch ??
I cannot fathom why you would want to change it. Fit a new clutch cable and see if it feels better.
Unless you have extreme conditions and after consultation with the manufactureer, you can use different grades of oil. Other than that, stick to what the manufactureer has stated. They know more than you.
All of these bikes are wannabee Harleys
It's not bad here on this side of the pond. Was really bad, worst summer for many, many years, now just had the August bank holiday and every man and his dog were out on their bikes. it was good to see. Where abouts are you located, in the USA?
XS400 Repair Manual
Drewpy, people looking for manuals above. Can you help? (xj400)