Everything posted by yoda
Amanda, Suffolk is only one place I've been to. I also know the Highlands and the Northern Lowlands as well. Wales, the SW and the Midlands. I have also some knowledge of Alabama, Georgia and most of Florida, as I used to live there. Nuff said!! Copdock Cutie, just waiting for the weather report to go as I seem to have everyone elses kids to take with me. Will give you a bell beforehand.
XJ900F Camchain Rattle
By their very nature, as soon as the chain turns, they both wear out!!! If your having a look at the tensioner @25k then make sure you have access to a replacement, just in case. As an aside, I have always thought that overhead cams are always best driven by bevel gear shaft. Nowadays belts are pretty reliable and silent. Out of the two, I would have low stressed engines running belts and high stressed, high reving running bevel drive.
XJ900F Camchain Rattle
I expect at those milages that the chain and the tensioners are worn out.
How often do you change your oil?
The harder you ride the quicker the oil change. Also mineral oils require changing more often than chemical oil. The type of oil filter also makes a difference.
XTZ660 cold start problems
It could be that the starter motor is on the way out. Slow cranking and cold oil reduce the voltage available to the ignition, so poor firing. Check all earths and the battery connections and make good. Check the generator output above idle, should be above 14 volts. Check the battery voltage when cold. Expect to see more than 12.5 volts. Check and clean the starter relay contacts, ensuring that there are no high resistances causing voltage drop. After this, has the cranking speed increased? If not, take the starter out and check it. All this assumes that your ignition system is working OK. Just checked through the url given above and the choke control might not be working properly. So you might be in for a carb service. If all else fails, or you get bored with the other checks, try doing a compression check. Low compression will give you the same syptems ie won't start from cold but will hot. Do the test from cold.
xs 360 runs on right cylinder only
Think you just found the problem. Diaphrams are bad news when they start to leak. Change these and give it another run. Ensure there is no air leakage around them.
tdm speedo
270/1.6= 169 miles. 'Bout right? So fill up every 140 miles or 224 kilometres!
You have switched the petcock on and not got a blockage, have you?
Oil And Plugs!
As a thought, unless you know for certain, don't put synthetic oil in it. It will try to scavenge out any other oils deposits and dirt. Always use a good quality mineral oil of the correct grade.
Oil And Plugs!
Find out what the manual says!
cluch problems
Try to find or make a pressure bleed kit. This will help you bleed all hydraulics easily.
Who or what is "fazerdai"
On a clear day you can see London.
r6 questions
I think he means an air intake 'hole' in the front of the fairing.
Copdock Bike Show 7th October
Guess you'll be spending the next few weeks cleaning and polishing it!!!!
Finding an old part
The spec should be on the relay. As for any auto store, probably, as it does the same job in a car. Take it in and do a comparison. Just make sure the wattage is OK. Good luck.
need help with fuel switch tubing
The pump should have the inlet and outlet marked, so follow your nose.
1974 DT125E troubles :(
You need to clean the whole fuel system, it could be fuel starvation. It could also be running very weak due to air leakage into the intake track. Check that the petcock is not partially blocked.
Copdock Bike Show 7th October
My life was OK until I opened the curtains this morning.
Finding an old part
Do you mean a turn signal? You should be able to fit almost anything with the same pins and loading.
xs 360 runs on right cylinder only
Sticking valves? Does actually sound like fuel starvation. As demand increases, restricted delivery cannot keep up.
Why do yall put pipes on your plastic bikes?
Harley Davidson have nearly shut down production now, because of a big fall in sales and a grand overestimate of what they could sell in 2007. Ford have lost about $15 billion this year and have sacked tens of thousands. General Motors has just rescued itself from the mire by setting up a medical foundation for its workers. Others are on the edge.
Why do yall put pipes on your plastic bikes?
They still throwing donkies off the tops of churches where you live? Sorry got lost somewhere!
Rolling On my 1300
I think that is a problem with the throttle sensor for the ECU. However it could be the ECU mapping and should not happen. You could try and find others with that type of engine and find out if they have the problem but as such that will not help you. Check that the position sensor is registering the actual throttle movement and that any cables both electrical and actuating are in good condition. There should be very little play in a actuator cable to the throttle bodies. Would be interested to find out why this has happened!
Who or what is "fazerdai"
............and no trees to hit!!!! Same as Wales!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yamaha Virago Blowing main fuse
Just reread that it is the main fuse. Well I suspect that the generator voltage is too high.