Everything posted by yoda
White walls for the v star1300?
White wall tyres are fitted to Harleys so they must be readily available.
- track day
YB100 Fuel problems.
Is the tank vent blocked?
New Tyres
He meant no heavy braking, acceleration, stoppies and wheelies. The chords in the tyre have to bed in and while they do that the tyre gets hot. Premature failure can and does happen if the tyres are not run in.
- The Box
- The Box
slow bike?
Your not getting enough fuel in for big bangs.
help for new biker
Welcome to the forum! For bike seat comfort, only you can tell whether it is right. If you live in a mountainus region, you will need a bike with alot of torque (Nm) so two up on a fz600 would not be ideal. I suspect that a 1000 cc bike might be what you need.
Divvy driveshaft bearing
Try scewing it in first and then out. Also heat the casing that the bolt goes into while turning the bolt. Failing all drill it out, carefully.
FZR400 Red Light On Tacho
Oh dear! Well can't be helped. Better luck next time!
Dragstar 1100 indicator problems
Think you will have to change the indicator relay. The contacts on one side are not working.
stolen recovered 07 R1
I think that you will need to buy another one as well for the bits and pieces that you will need.
Newbie, and with a dilemma
There are three ways to get more power from your 125. Turbo supercharging, NO2, high performance petrol. All are expensive so forget it.
Main jet help!!!!!!!!!!
Try bending it back abit.
600's for shorties??
Nice one on ebay for £3000, inc. kit.
Does this happen at any engine speed and does it happen at a constant throttle setting?
600's for shorties??
Kawas e6f is neet and petite for the little lady and probably the best bet due to weight. Suzuki Bandits are heavy and the seat height is just a little too high even on the lowest setting for her. Look in MCN for seat heat adjusters.
Have you changed all of the spark plugs? If so then you need to change the engine management system. Before you do that, take it to a dealer and get it computer checked.
- Stebel Air Horn
$9.99 in illionois !!
You might make it a cafe racer but try and stop it!!
Main jet help!!!!!!!!!!
Try using some washers as spacers on the mounting to clear the frame.
Main jet help!!!!!!!!!!
The exhaust should clear the frame and everything else. I think your m,otor is going to run very lean and hot. You might also need to change the spark plug.
YZF750R oil consumption
The valve stem oil seals, if fitted, need to be replaced or the valve guides have worn and need replacing. That is causing your oil consumption. With your mis-fire as well, do you really want to keep this bike or let the dealer sort it?
Exhaust help
Sad problem but nice pipes. Remove leg and think of England!
my DT125R please help
I think that you will have to ask a dismanterlers for one Try looking in MCN.