Everything posted by yoda
XVS650 Downpipe urgently required
Would you like me to supply you with the bike in component form?
Help needed from America
PM me with full details but Mr Oldgit might be your best bet for a quicker return.
Check your advance/retard is not the problem.
Help needed from America
I'll contact some friends.
Gap year tips.
I'm not sure if you mean a gap year to uni. but I think that when you get out of the learning regime it can be very hard to restart.
New FZ6 - With or without ABS??
Go for the ABS, it will give you a bit more security and when the time comes, perhaps enhances the sale.
You should also check to see if the ring grooves on the pistons has opened up allowing too much ring movement.
- Playstation portable mod.
Wider Bars For my FZ1 Fazer
You could try turning your bars upside down.
- ybr 125cc
Blowing fuses
I still do not know what a 'park' fuse is. However, if the fuse blows when you rev the engine then there must be a short in the main wiring to earth. You must check all of the wiring.
fj1200 oil
Welcome to the frey! You can use a 10 winter/40 or 50, what ever is available. This should be mineral, I believe. Why do you think your bike is running hot? There are two reasons for running hot, one is retarded ignition and the other is weak fuel/air ratio.
- Blowing fuses
Dogs, Bikes and legallity....
There is no law on carrying pets on a bike. They might say your load is insecure but if the dog is strapped on, then OK. It is quite normal in other countries. You should not let your dogs eyes get into the airstream as they will be badly affected.
My '86 Radian used to run great...
You need to take the plug leads off and clean the plugs as well.
Revs climb when bars are turned!
Conversely to all these suggestions, you could try not turning the bars.
Yamaha TRX850 Carb Problem
It's called a rich cut. The carb is overfuelling so needs a service.
neübergring webcam!
I think when you click on the link it takes a snapshot . Is this because its address is ending with jpg?
electrical problem
Blown a fuse?
Binding brakes
You should have cleaned the calipers before fitting the pads. You will also need to clean and lubricate the disc bobbins so that the disc if free.
Help buying Fazer 600
You should see a big fat spark with no compression. Under compression it is harder for a plug to spark so if its starts weak then there won't be much to run the bike. Check that the engine ground to battery is good and that the plug caps are clean.
That's a truely awful dream. Take more water with your pop!
any one on this site
There are quite a few fazer 600 owners on this site but you won't catch them at week ends.
- wind!
Finally back home!
Hi and welcome back to a lesser civilisation. There is a well trodden path up Everest so you won't get lost.