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Stevie P

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Everything posted by Stevie P

  1. OK So pulled the back wheel checked and cleaned everything tensioned chain and tried again….No good! Did 5 days in France which was lovely but buzz noise persisted. On return I decided for the sake of 15 quid to replace the front sprocket….Ideally you replace both sprockets and chain at same time but as only done 4/5 k miles on these happy to make an exception and also just to see if things improved. When I compared the new to the old the old had indentations from the chain in the rubber damper. Maybe the chain was too tight or maybe it was a duff one. Good news on the test ride as now the buzzing is no more! I had fitted DID chain with JT sprockets this time but in future will pay the extra for the Yam parts. Happy riding
  2. Thanks Neo appreciate the advice…. Chain has been well maintained and have already checked…. The noise sounds like every link is striking/fouling something rather than a single link that would change as speed changes…. Sounds same as if you dragged a fingernail over a comb. I think I will take rear wheel off this weekend and make sure everything is correct…. I feel it’s an alignment issue of some sort….. On the plus side it is a long weekend
  3. Hi All Put new sprockets and chain on my Tracer 4000 miles ago without issue and now after a winter break I have picked up a buzzing noise coming (I believe) from the front sprocket. Sounds like someone constantly tightening a zip tie. Adjusted the chain and checked alignment of rear wheel which all seem to be in order. Checked front sprocket and doesn’t look to be fouling in any way. Double checked with supplier that correct parts were sent and also measured to doubledouble check. Now I have run out of ideas so would appreciate any advice. Only thing that has changed since fitting sprockets is I took wheels off to have new tires fitted before putting away for winter.
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