DT125LC Mk3 No power valve where there should be one!
Hello and welcome! I will fit the power valve, is it difficult to buy try at a motorcycle disassembly, local websites for motorcycle parts or eBay where you have the best chance of finding the parts. Good luck 👍🙂
Do you have a TX500 or an XS500 …
Motor Oil for XS500
How about JASO MA2 specification for oil which is intended for clutches that run in oil … I get to answer myself when I found the answers here 🙂 https://yambits.co.uk/oils_parts_for_yamaha_xs500.html
Motor Oil for XS500
What motor oil is recommended to use on the XS500 … Have some other old 4-strokes that I use 10W-40 Semi Synthetic JASO MA2 on that work very well.
Color scheme for 1977 XS500 …
Thanks for the tip on the decal set, have already ordered 2 sets in silver and 2 sets in gold, so we'll see which color I choose 🙂 http://www.bike-stickers.com/homepage.htm
Color scheme for 1977 XS500 …
Does anyone have a good picture of the XS500 in this color scheme, black with gold or silver decals on the tank and side covers …
Hi, it's Danny (Bicycle Repairman)
Welcome 🙂
Back to Yamaha.
Welcome 👍
Yamaha rs 125 1974-5
Could there be a lot of similar parts on RS100 vs RS125 … Link: https://www.cmsnl.com/yamaha-rs100-1975-usa_model8543/partslist/
Color scheme for 1977 XS500 …
Yamaha parts for the XS500...
Who has the best selection of classic Yamaha parts for the XS500... Think it's best to buy from one shop to save shipping costs 🙂
Hi, I am Jack and I live in Sri Lanka
Welcome to the forum 🙂
Hello from Norway …
Color scheme for 1977 XS500 …
It doesn't look like the number of color schemes for the XS500 that were on sale in the 70s is important for what color I choose for my bike, as there aren't many complete decal sets for these to choose from. Available in brown for XS500 and red for XS360. Where do you buy decal sets or who makes up-to-date professional decal sets ?? Brown Complete Decal Set https://www.diablocycle.com/XS500C-1976-Brown-Complete-Decal-Set.html Red Complete Decal Set https://rddecals.afegraphics.com/view_product.php?adminshopping=&product=76XS360RD-FullKit-R01170
XS500 chain case …
Thanks for the answers and help, I'm using Google and all sales channels for all it's worth... But... I'm in the process of restoring a motorcycle that hasn't been on the road for more than ten years so there are a lot of parts on the shopping list and that there will surely be more. Can't spend all the money on shipping so I try all channels, when I first buy something I try to include as many parts as possible in the shipping price