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  1. Hi all, I was wondering if anyone has converted a pre-1999 SR125 (mines a 1998) to the post 1999 chrome speedo, which I think looks much better? Have been doing some research into it and from what I can see from the schematics, the top steering yolk looks completely different between the two models. Not sure the '99 ver will fit my '98. Has anyone done this, is it possible? Many thanks, Clive
  2. Hi Keith, Had similar issue with mine. I had to play with the pilot screw and idle screw a lot before she was reving ok. Started at the spec setting and then tweaked out from there until she idled and rev'd smoothly. Make sure she's warm before making adjustments. Haynes manual is invaluable. Hope that helps. Cheers, Clive
  3. Clive_D posted a post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Hi all, Just joined. I have a a 1998 SR125 which I enjoy tinkering with and is an ongoing restore project. Looking forward to sharing knowledge, hints and tips. Thanks, Clive 😀
  4. Clive_D replied to JamesD84's post in a topic in The Bar
    Hi, Assuming your carb fuel pipes are all good, have you checked the pilot jet screw in the carb is set correctly? Maybe lean or flooding.