After some work on the carburettor (sanding the choke piston/rubber down flat and checking and adjusting the float level again (it was 2mm higher than standard) replacing the new jet kit with the old Keihin CV32 jets all is well.
The jets I was supplied with were quite a bit bigger than the originals which is odd.
Anyway It runs and I have been out on it. It is a bit lumpy on the overrun and a bit gutless until you rev it a bit, but it is running clean which is what I wanted. The engine is a very low mileage (2200) as it was chucked in a barn and forgotten about so I am hoping if I take it steady I wont get the valve seat issues others have suffered from.
My thanks to all of the reply's, I know where to go if I need anymore tech info.😃
Thank you all for your response.
I have checked through the electrical system, all is good. I have found the right cylinder is running rich, very rich. So I am going to take the carb apart and see if the choke is not seating properly. Prior to my assembly of the motor I checked all the valves and seats and gave them a quick lap with fine grinding past to make sure they seated properly. Compression is good.
I have been struggling with an issue with my XS500B. The engine has been rebuilt. Re-bore, new seals, gaskets etc. I took it apart because it was smoking from the right cylinder and running very rough. So imagine my frustration when it was still smoking from the same side! So I took it apart again and checked the valve seals, barrels, cylinder head for cracks etc etc etc. I carefully re-assembled it and guess what? The problem is still there.
What am I missing? Is it something other than mechanical? Electrical? Fuel? I have replaced the coils and condenser. I also have rebuilt the carbs with a re-build kit and kept the standard airbox and filter. The airscrews don't seem to do much though?
Please help