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  1. Hi guys! I went to change my oil for the first time on my bike I just got last fall. All excited until I saw the Oil Drain Plug. Completely stripped! I tried going full bore with channel-locks because it was too far gone to be cautious with and it wouldn't didn't budge, just kept stripping worse and worse. I thought I'd come here before I get myself in a bigger jam. I noticed there are kits online to drill out drain plugs but I don't want to go that far if I can help it. Does anyone have any tips or tricks to get this puppy unstuck? Oh, and I ordered a new oil drain plug, dumb question but; oil drain plugs are universal right? I mean I got the 14x1.5 threads I knew that, but I don't know what the specs of my drain plug are aside from the 17mm bolt head. (Sorry but I'm new, its in the name lol). Also a more pressing issue: She won't turn over! Turn the key, push the button, it cranks with nothing as much as a back fire. Here's the interesting part: after a few seconds of holding down the button the ignition sounds like it starts to slow, but I turn the handlebars from side-to-side and it jumps goes back to normal. Could this be a wiring issue? Finally, I'm completely new to the world of motorcycles, if you have ANY tips for a new rider whether its maintained or riding it would be much appreciated. Thanks!