hi there,
I have a xs750 from ´77 build as a cafe racer and suddenly with NO power and no ignition at all. USed to work just fine.
So I needed to try to find out where to start searching for at solotion. I have changed to a new battery and tested it. I have also testet starter solenoid which seems ok as well. Starter motor had some problems so I´ve cleaned it and also seems to work fine now. The problem must be electrical and therefore I´ve replaced all fuses with new ones.
Why dont I get any power to the bikes indicator lamp, light etc..all dead ?
I have not checked ignition switch and not the rectifier since I dont know how.
Could it simply be the ignition switch that cuts all power ?
I´m not a mechanic and I´m new to all the multimeter measuring - so I wish I knew how to break it down measuring from battery to starter solonoid, to starter motor and further to... ?
Last option is to tape off all wires and start from the beginning, which I would prefer not to if not nessecary.
Any tips are most welcome.