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Andrew G

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  1. Andrew G posted a post in a topic in Mechanical
    Hi there I've just joined the forum hoping for some advice on this problem. I'm not a mechanic but always happy to read manuals, ask advice and try things and am handy enough with tools. The ybr isn't my main bike, I had been using it from time to time and as a backup but couple years ago it stopped starting, now I'm trying to get it back to life .. as an economical alternative to big bike and cause I like it. This is a YBR 2007ED fuel injected bike. So after sitting for a couple of years, the problem had been fuel pump which wasn't working .. I replaced the impeller, and hey presto was riding up and down the road. I left it alone with plans to service brakes, change oil etc, so I come back a week later and its failing to start again .. I am getting a flashing fault code, 46 - the Haynes manual says 'Abnormal power supply to FI system - engine will continue to run and can be restarted'. But the engine doesn't run for me. There is a good blue spark, also if I pull the injector out and fire the starter, I see the fuel spraying out which seems normal. The only way it will run, if I take out the spark plug, put a teaspoon of fuel into the cylinder and replace spark plug, then the engine catches and runs for a second or two. The battery seems fine by the way, I always kept it charged even while the bike was not getting used, and the starter motor turns well. Things I have tried - on the advice of my local mechanic, replaced the throttle body / injector + all sensors, with a unit off ebay (no guarantees its works, but is a never-before-fitted part so lets assume it works) - no difference. Also replaced the impeller again just to check. Don't understand why it won't start .. local mechanic suggested maybe timing issue with the ignition .. like possibly a problem with crankshaft position sensor, but he didn't seem very sure. I've read through the manual, it seems like a more involved job to replace CPS, and I need to buy some special tool + gasket ... hoping someone on yoc forum can give me some advice before I go and spend more ££ and time..... Thanks for reading, let me know if you folks have any ideas.