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Heino last won the day on March 18 2022

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  1. Thank you very much.I can get n complete front end.Hope this will work if I change the complete front end.
  2. Good evening. I am busy restoring my 1978 DT 125E and n need new forks.Will forks of a 1979 DT 125F fit on my bike.As far as n know the internals of the two forks differ.But is the outside dimensions the same.
  3. Thank you. I will post some pics.
  4. Hello all. I did just join.I am from South Africa. I do have a 1978 DT 125E that my grand father bought new.He gave it to my dad years ago.I started to ride it when I was big enough.My dad used to put bricks all over the yard for me to stop as I was to short for it at the time.We than gave it to a family member years late and there it was neglected.I managed to get it back about 8 years ago and it is in a horrible condition.This bike means a lot to me so I started about two weeks ago to restore it.I do now have a parts list and a to do list.Work on it will start tommorow and I will come here often for advise. Thank you for allowing me to be part of this forum.
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