Everything posted by fosdyke
- YB100
R6 stolen
Typical police who wouldn't help me get my bike back - even though they knew where it was, had to go and pick up what was left of it myself - So I am really sorry, worse for you when you know it had been seen! Hope you get it back it one piece preferably! :angry:
You should get 60mph out of it and 70mph down the hill with the wind behind you - I know I have! You will need to check and set/adjust the following: Carb settings Oil pump settings Points setting(check points condition) Baffle condition Air cleaner Needle valve setting I would also replace the spark plug (NGK B7HS) they do have a tendency to eat them! You should also check out the clutch - could be why its not getting up to speed - worth a look. If you need the tech settings I will post them for you. Good luck - let us know how you get on. :D :D
You are being watched
Anyone who thinks they have nothing to fear should watch this: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/7938949.stm ....nuff said? :o :o
You are being watched
We may all jest...... but I have been doing battle with a major utility company for more than three years over a debt I don't owe - all because the 'computer' says I do! I have worked in the IT industry for more than 10 years and am with Gas up on this one.... i'd like to believe this legislation is to 'protect' us, but my experience is somewhat different, and if you think only those guilty ones need worry you are wrong. Hijacking your WiFi is just one way of stealing your net identity, there are far more hackers and script kiddies out there who can steal your net identity as well as your real one when you are online, and then like me you will have a real job on your hands to prove you are innocent! .....and if you are a real criminal you have nothing to fear.......the police are only interested in soft targets they can trace.....via their number plates (which aren't false)! :angry:
What is the name of the tool used to test compresion on a bike?
In the absence of that......your thumb...?
Young blood
Bring back the 50's that's what I say! Looked into getting some chinese copies of the old fizzies and importing them couple of years back - but they don't make 'em for the european market - too many restrictions, all the 50's were scooters! We need more like you WF - fancy being a spokesperson for young bikers??
Young blood
Ahhh yes the heady days when you could slap some L's on a Superdream and ride into the sunset! Sadly the 'regulators' have had a real go at killing off youngsters getting into bikes and the relative low cost of four wheel motoring has meant that most youngsters are buying Saxo's & Corsa's! But I remember the days of the Fizzies & Garellis and all my 16 year old mates turning up on their 'peds (I wasn't allowed!). I have been off and on bikes for a good few years (more of than on until recently), and I object to the stereotyping - Have Bennetts not considered that bikes for most people are not their main form of transport, as cars are now very much cheaper, and that by and large it is the over 35's (I'm being careful here!), who can afford to own and run bikes in addition to cars - therefore giving rise to the myth of the 'mid-life crisis' biker. My daughter is just coming up 16 and can't wait to get on 2 wheels - but only because she sees her parents ride, and is not discouraged from doing so. In these days of carbon footprints and congestion we should be encouraging more people out of their cages and on to bikes by starting with youngsters! Right - ok i'll get off my soapbox now!!! ;)
Im single!
Hands off Goff - I'm on the lookout for my daughter - need to get her married off sharpish (then I can rent her room out!) Sorry about the scooter WF - but can you keep her in a style which she is unaccustomed to........? :lol: :lol:
***YAMAHA R6 2009 STOLEN***
Great news that you got your bike back! :D Having been the victim of an 'attempted' theft - they nicked the bike and when they couldn't get it going torched it! I really feel for anyone who has gone through the same thing. I go for making it as difficult as possible too - chains locks, audible alarms etc, coz I'm realistic - if they want it they will come tooled up to take it and there's not a lot you can do about it - except make it as irritating as possible for the little f*****s! :angry:
Fast Fizzy
80pmh - impressive on a Fizzy! Now I'm not a real party pooper but.........no protective gear at all (apart from the piss pot helmet the other guy had), wouldn't fancy his road rash if the engine gave up on him at that speed! It's gonna hurt in the morning!!! <_< ....And you're right no oscar for his filmaking!
New Project - don't laugh (not too much anyway)
Just picked up my new project yesterday - and yes it is a 50cc scooter!! :lol: Ok - it really is for my daughter who turns 16 later this year and has been itching to get on two wheels (and I don't mean a pushbike!) She has had a few sessions on the YB100 around the private culdesac where we live, and I would have liked to have got her a geared 50cc, but they are pretty hard to come by or really expensive (FS1E), and not something you would let your 16yr old take to school to have it trashed by the chavs! Since the pictures were taken yesterday afternoon I have had the bike running and started stripping off the plastic preparing it for a re-spray. My daughters really good at art and wants to have a go at a custom airbrush design so will be posting pictures as we go along. Will be doing another seat cover Wild Foamy - so will post pics here for you when you get to do your Jawa! Wish me luck........
Seat recovering
Get a cover that is designed for the bike - there are some good copies out there, if not cough up for the manufacturers own! If the seat base is plastic then you will need a HEAVY DUTY stapler - start at one end, (I have started at the back first on the ones I have done) and work forward - make sure that you pull out any wrinkles or saggy bits as you move forward. Don't be afraid to take the staples out and start again. I have found the key is to keep it tight, and work slowly and methodically. If your seat has a metal base the cover is usually held on with one way fasteners (get new ones) - again the key is slow, steady and keep the seat cover tight. I have done a couple of seats successfully - and am about to do another soon....... Good luck with yours. :D
xj600 cylinder head noise
Just a possibility here .......... check the final drive bearing you can do this by taking off the cover to give access to the front sprocket - check for play. Happened to my mates Divvy = new engine as the bearing is part of the drive shaft and costs about £180! Don't want to worry you - but is was just that you said it vibrated through the bike - which is what it did on my mates bike - and a failure is not only expensive but potentially lethal - imagine your back wheel locking up at 70mph as the bearing melts!!! Hope it's not that serious though.
removing buggered screws
What idiot puts 'screws' on an engine anyway?!?!?! I've had plenty a b*****d screw on the old YB (why design one bike that is held together with screws and the RS with bolts??? crazy!) My method was either to change the 'philips' screw to a flatblade with the aid of a junior hacksaw, or gently tap the screw free with a chisel (both worked and are preferable to the drilling option which takes ages and eats drill bits!) Oh and when you reassemble consider the following: 1. Use an allen headed bolt instead of a screw one (they are easier to get out) 2. Dab a little copperslip grease on the thread - you are going to have to have the b****r out again! Good luck
33 BHP restriction (UK)
Hi in answer to your questions: 1. - In my experience fitting a kit to a GPZ500 there was no real fall-off in power - it just affects the top end. 2. - Depends on the bike, with some its washers in the carb intake, others a throttle stop. 3. - You would be ill advised to do so - if you get stopped by a bike cop (and at 17 you are a target) they may test it and decide to have it on a dyno - if they find you've taken the restrictor out they'll bump you back to a provisional - is it worth it? 4. - Difficult to say - takes about 8-10mph off the GPZ In my opinion it's not worth the risk - if you get caught its loss of licence and an insurance offence - irrespective of the experience you have!
Radar and Laser detector
I wouldn't put it to the test either - but why use all that digital mapping technology when you could just stick a copper on the same stretch of road at about the same time! I am not saying that this technology isn't used in this way.....but the cops would have to have all that information on a database first, and then make a positive ID before making a case like that stick........surely?
***YAMAHA R6 2009 STOLEN***
Sorry to hear this - hope you get it back. This is about the third one this week - sign of the credit crunch?? Death would be too good for these scum! :angry:
One rule for bikers
Soz everyone for double post - keep getting IPS error :angry:
One rule for bikers
There was biker caught in Kent last year for doing the same sort of speed - The rider was disqualified for 2 years at East Kent Magistrates Court on July 25, and also ordered to pay a £400 fine and £50 court costs. So not quite jail - but an extra 8 months, which was for the extra 16mph i suppose? But he was let off some of the court costs. I don't condone anyone travelling at that sort of speed whether on 4 wheels or 2 it is twice the legal limit after all, so really they got what they deserved, 5 or 10 mph over the top I might have more sympathy!
choosing a wife
Damn - thats where I went wrong!!!
Theory Test
Theory test straightforward really - if you've done the car one you should be ok - there are only about 4 motorbike specific questions and most of those are common sense. The only slightly iffy bit is the HP - and only coz I found the images indistinct and if you have been on the road for a while you are tempted to click too early and then get penalized for clicking too often. Just watch out for the rocks that turn into sheep! :D :D
Fekkin Kids!
Took my son to his Primary school prom (yuk) last year on the back of the bike with the loadest exhaust we had! He made a better entrance than any limo! :D
16 March ,May be worth a look
Got a tank bag couple of years ago - has had some serious use and still going strong - not bad for tenner! - Might try the disk lock this time. You have to pick and choose a bit some things are better value for money than others.
Nodding bikers?
I remember that - back in the 70's my dad used to have a Zephyr V6 deluxe with a white vinyl roof - whenever we saw another one (which was rare) everyone waved! As to nods - I tend to nod to everyone including scooters (though the oiks don't really understand), but i draw the line a Pizza delivery - I have some standards!!! :lol: