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Everything posted by fosdyke

  1. fosdyke posted a post in a topic in Yamabyss
    In a recent story in our paper a local biker was given a 2 year ban and a £400 fine after being clocked at 142mph on a dual carriageway in Kent. He accepted that he had broken the law and deserved to be punished, but felt that the ban was excessive citing in his defence: Amir Khan the boxer had been stopped by Lancashire police after a chase which reached speeds of 155mph, he was given a £1000 fine and a 42 day ban, this was his second driving offence, the first in which he injured a pedestrian. The biker felt that this was inconsistent...........................................what do you all think?
  2. fosdyke replied to skullarms's post in a topic in Classics
    Only a couple of things this could be - 1. Either you have your timing out 180 degrees either by having the timing marks set up wrong or the ignition wired incorrectly. 2. You have blowback because the inlet valve is not closing completely on the compression stroke. A leak down test will pinpoint exactly - but you probably don't have the equipment - but if you have a compression tester use that and see what the compressions are on these cylinders - they should be at least 100 psi. You say you have 'got it back together' so I am assuming that you did a major rebuild - check everything you did when you reassembled - and check it again - make sure you put the cams back on in the right order, double check the ignition timing, check the valve clearances, check the wiring. It has to be one of these, took me a couple of weeks to diagnose a blowback problem on my kwak to a shim problem - runs fine now. Good luck.
  3. fosdyke replied to jimbob001's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Quite right - you should dismantle and rebuild the calipers to be sure. However sometimes you can get away with it if the calipers haven't sat for a while, and it is more likely that if the piston seals had gone they would pee brake fluid out - which you don't want to happen as apart from having to replace your pads you are likely to run into a tree or worse! As to the air you need to bleed through at least 2 full reservoirs of brake fluid making sure you don't let it run dry (you will just suck more air in), to be sure you have got all the air out. If this doesn't work I would suggest you may be pulling air in from the the reservoir end of the brake system. Let us know how you get on.
  4. fosdyke replied to junker's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Hi If you haven't already - check and recheck the float height on the carbs. If these are ok then make sure that when the floats reach the right height they shut off fuel flow from the tank - you can do this by blowing down the fuel line whilst operating the the floats. One other thing to check would be to make sure the floats don't have holes in - never come across it myself but have heard of it from other people. Good luck
  5. fosdyke replied to daveyboy27uk's post in a topic in Classics
    Try these guys www.Bike-Paint.co.uk Apart from that take a panel into the paint factors and get a close match as OG says. BTW Old Git - thats a pretty good match for the YB!!!
  6. fosdyke replied to Goff's post in a topic in General
    Angle start = where the examiner will ask you to stop behind a parked car (but not always) and then get you to pull out again into the road. They are checking your observation, slow speed control, planning ahead etc etc - you probably did it and didn't even notice - my examiner rolled mine up with a hill start. Also in the new test I beleive there is a new exercise which involves 'paddling' your bike from one 'cone garage' to another - backwards - so those of you who may be 'vertically challenged' might find this one hard. Oh and by the way, just in case you didn't get it from the original post you WILL have to do the test at one of the NEW test centres which could mean a longer journey than at present.
  7. Well if you could see them they wouldn't be able to 'print' so much money! So much for the 'safety' element eh? But then we bikers are all evil baby eating speed junkies who imagine ourselves in Mad Max!!
  8. fosdyke replied to Mikey*DTR's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    Sorry to hear you didn't pass it's pretty gutting - I didn't get my first one - coz the guy I borrowed the bike from had forgotten to renew the tax the day before (doh)!!!! Goff is right - don't let up that concentration for one minute even when you have done all your compulsories and are on the way back to the test centre - that's when it gets you - happened to me on my first car test. Sorry yeah you are time barred for ten days - but it doesn't stop you booking it now for more than 10 days hence. And one other thing - next time when the examiner says "Congratulations you've passed" - you say "Thanks." and NOTHING else - don't give him a run down on everything YOU thought you did wrong! Two minors is really good you should be really pleased - and now you know what to expect from the test - and that you CAN do it. Keep us posted. :D :D
  9. fosdyke replied to kevd's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    Welcome to the forum. If the tacho drive is mechanical a jubilee clip won't help - is the leak above or below the screw fixing? :D
  10. fosdyke replied to PAPAMACK's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    Try blowing out the jet or soaking it in a bit of carb cleaner first the usually 'ungum'. Don't use anything more than the bristle of a nylon brush to poke - and even use this with caution. Sounds like a fuel not getting to the cylinder problem. As to compression, in the absence of a tester can you blow your thumb off the spark plug hole if you crank it? :rolleyes:
  11. fosdyke replied to MEAN 1's post in a topic in General
    "If it's good they will come........" This is by far the best of ALL the forums (or is it fora??) I am a member of ........lots of lovely and helpful people here!!! :D :D
  12. fosdyke replied to col535's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    I would run a compression test first and go from there - let us know what you get - if the problem is top end it may not be a new engine! :D
  13. fosdyke replied to PAPAMACK's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    Hi You say it has good compression - have you put a tester on it? You will need at least 100psi. Sounds as if the fuel isn't getting to the plug - worth checking for 1. Spark when you kick it over. 2. After kicking a few times with a completely clean, dry plug check to see if there is any petrol on the plug. You might have an air leak on the inlet side - you say it will run with easystart - for how long, and are you squirting into the air intake or direct into the cylinder? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  14. fosdyke replied to stibly's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    Hi Do a compression test - that may give you some indication of the problem, a low reading (less than 100psi) could indicate a ring problem - usually valve stem oil seal problem manifests itself as a big cloud of smoke on startup. Good luck :rolleyes:
  15. Hi Not absolutely familiar with this bike, but sounds like a fault in the switch - either wiring or more likely a bad contact/earth. The brake light issue sounds like a problem with the rear brake switch - you could test this manually by pulling on the actuating lever/spring with the ignition on and seeing if the light works, it could just be an adjustment issue, or bad contacts. As to the main lights a wiring diagram would help, but in the meantime dismantle the switch gear and clean the contacts first. Good luck :rolleyes:
  16. Funny how they quote the figures but can't actually attribute them to either excessive speed or the deployment of their mobile 'cash machines'..........ahhh statistics....
  17. fosdyke replied to Gas up - Let's Go!'s post in a topic in General
    That's just coz they hate us!!!!
  18. fosdyke replied to SAV's post in a topic in The Bar
    If all else fails take out the old ones - the size will be etched on one side. And if you wan to save yourself a packet go to one of the online bearing suppliers like Simply Bearings - you will pay a fraction of the price for the same bearing in a yamaha box!!! I did all the main bearings and oil seals in my YB for less than £30 - and they were good quality bearings.
  19. fosdyke replied to fosdyke's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Not sure that it is recession - valves and seats looked normal to me when I took them out, and that would be quite a large amount of wear if it was - and I would expect it more on the exhaust valve than the inlet. I am leaning more to the non standard cams possibility, or cams from a bike with fewer miles and not matched to the shims. Will keep you posted.
  20. fosdyke replied to psycho00's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Hi Is there a side stand switch? Check that this is working or bypass the switch. good luck
  21. fosdyke replied to R1Virgin's post in a topic in The Bar
    Good for you Maria! Don't leave it too long to book that test - it is going to get more complicated, and therefore expensive in the very near future!
  22. Greetings, and welcome.
  23. fosdyke replied to trigger001's post in a topic in The Bar
    Hi - an welcome aboard! And of all the forums I subscribe to this one is by far the best and friendliest!
  24. Sounds like a switch problem to me - thoroughly check and clean the contacts and try again.
  25. Hi Looking at 'oldgit's' link the wiring is very similar to a YB - and if your bike is a 1964 I guess the indicators were not original which might explain why they won't work in conjuction with the other lights. If you are handy with an AVO I can send you instructions on how to test the output of the generator - just in cas you have a problem here. As to fitting a battery the only real problem seems to be finding a 'live' connection - the earth you could improvise by fabricating a connection to somewhere you bolt to the frame. I could send you a copy of the YB wiring diagram if it will help - though there wire colours will almost certainly be different..