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Everything posted by Tym

  1. Tym replied to Tym's post in a topic in The Bar
    I was on a mision from God :?: forums.cykoworld.com's top dickheads werre having a "ride out"... They all trailerd therre bikes to alcoa Tenn, they werre staying at the holiday inn express, and planning on a group dinner on Sunday night at the Texas Roadhouse, conviently located in the parking lot next to the holiday inn :roll: Since they werre all staying in the inn, i took up a position in the place next door: Went to the bar, picked a spot with a view of the front door :wink: ordered a coke and a shot of vodka, was informed it was against the law in Alcoa fir bars to serve hard liquir, this is me moments after hearing the news, hadnt slept in 36 hours, wasnt happy until the fried shrimp and steak kill bobs showed up being being deliverd by a young hot tennesse serving wench, very tasty: Should be stuff about the ride out in the a Merican forum at cycko world, read all about it from the twats mouths themselves, doubt hack is back yet, apparently he finnally showed up, butt, i left early, and missed seeing the twat
  2. Tym replied to Tym's post in a topic in The Bar
    Think i have a blood clot in my leg, i need a sport-tourer real bad :wink:
  3. Tym posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    hows the yams doing? Took a ride to the Tail of the dragon last weekend, left at 1500hrs Sat, got back 1930hrs last night, trip ran 2038 miles. Bike ran well, wish i mounted my big windsheild and handguards, it was cold and wet in dem dar hills That pic is from the NC side of the dragon, on the 10se side i scuffed my right boot in a turn, first time i have ever touched down any parts in a turn riding my KLR :!: see better pics and info at http://www.tailofthedragon.com This is a motard friendly road fir sure This pic is from the blue ridge parkway, over 500 miles of stuff like this: Old church in Tennesse
  4. Saw a couple stoped on the ~high~ way fiddlin with their harley the other day, i was able to pull over about an 1/8th of a mile ahead of them, since therre was no room to u turn on the shoulder,i looked and only saw one oncoming car in the slow lane, so i u turned in front of the oncoming car, and i used the fast lane going the wrong direction to pass the oncoming car, then pulled over to check on the riders~~ They werre fine, just fiddlin, the girl was hot the Guy thanked me and told me to ride safe. I responded "What for :?: " And took off~~~~~
  5. Gotta get going YG, in a few months, bike pics will be surrounded by white stuff, had this bike from 90-94: Oh yes i'm availble fir August/September bookings :wink:
  6. Tanks YammieGirl~~~ Are you trying to imply i'd only see one young lady Un? Yes, however, i do have a few open pages on my calander, so i'm available fir more
  7. Only when it blows up, i've been trying to save fir a sport tourer, butt, cant seem to doit, keep spending my dosh on wine women and song :twisted:
  8. Well, from herre, you are therre
  9. Thanks fir the compliments guys Yup, Yam Pro50hp smoker, 90% of the outboards herre are Yam's... ~Shown herre is last year at WOT~ Bought it new in 1987, runs like a top still... 0 problems, i mean 0, nada, nothing has needed attention, awesum... And now by request, Erl Changes: ƒ=filtre&erl changed ç=just erl changed ƒ25 miles ƒ149... ƒ342 ƒ505 ƒ635 ƒ1488 ƒ1838 ƒ3026 ƒ3523 ƒ3536 ƒ3536...no, it isnt a typo, doohickey was done, grinding on engine case fir balancer chain clearance, flushing the motor out, its all good yo... ƒ4782 ƒ4784 ƒ6275...oh, just a note, you can tell when i went on 3 day weekend rides, and how far i went, snicker... ƒ6342 ƒ7202 ƒ7699 ƒ8118 ç8228 ƒ8571 8888 Dunlop 607's! Sticky buns rule 8) anywho: ç9377 ƒ9921 ç10130 I'm gunna change the oil and filtre agin now at about 10,7something, and get ready fir NC, maybe leave thursday, havnt decided yet :?:
  10. Yup, 03 KLR 650 A-Model, only decent colour they made it in IMHO
  11. 10700something... Doohickey work done by Tammy has been succesful so far, the demon has been defeated! So far :wink: I've got the itch to leave sooner than next weekend, going to leave probly Early tuesday morning fir NC, about 900 miles one way :shock: Gunna change the oil, lube the chain, pack, get some chores done, colour me gorn :!:
  12. Pics of Laconia NH Next weekend is to: http://www.tailofthedragon.com C U, in cyber space! Tym?
  13. Any train buffs? This is an old one:
  14. Mt Washington closes its road to only bikers fir a day to correspond to Laconia's Bike Week, trip took 13 hours, 3 tanks of fuel, and lasted 642 miles~ some piccies: Since Yam wont import the 660, i rode this, notice the fold~down cupholder on my $12 soft cooler-tailbag, holds 24 cold ones Full Frontal: And that is the Welsh Dragon on the fairing 8)
  15. Tym replied to JohnR6's post in a topic in The Bar
    I'm not charged less than cars fir anything, i pay the same toll cars do in all my tollbooths around herre, that aint right :!:
  16. Tym replied to JohnR6's post in a topic in The Bar
    I run with my headlight off in the day time, so far no problems, i think the light on messes up other operators depth perception :arrow: :?: the best part is its against the law herre not to ride with a headlight on, screw um, not one cop has said a word... yet, we have no mandatory helmet law :?: Had a helmetless RUB on a harley at a red light tell me my headlight was off, I told him i didnt want head
  17. Tym replied to JohnR6's post in a topic in The Bar
    I ran taxis outta New London, did go to NYC a couple times a week, used to charge $320 Never shot at a car, while riding a motoRcycle :arrow: :?: And Thats right, i haver never shot at anyone, who wasnt trying, or already had, shoot/shot me...fair is fair :wink:
  18. Tym replied to JohnR6's post in a topic in The Bar
    I dunno about swords, its nice being able to shoot a hole in an engine block.... Making loud noises calms me down too
  19. Tym replied to Alex's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    Nope, kids are little criminals, and should locked up till therre 21!
  20. Tym replied to Tym's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    Tanks..ya off road dont count, its only when a cop can give somebody a ticket fir screwin up, does it become a big deal
  21. Tym replied to Tym's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    Oi, i aint a Yankee, i was born in South Carolina, and we never admitted defeat in the big one! Sooo..i'm a South a Merican! With Irish citiZenship! Hello fello EU brothers and sisterz!!! And I want dual headerz on my thumper!!!!!
  22. Tym replied to JohnR6's post in a topic in The Bar
    Actually, a holster up in the nose of the fairing is a handy location :wink: And skirts many of the States concealled carry laws, snicker~~~~~
  23. Tym replied to Alex's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    After i painted my boats hull white my neices and nephews thought it would be a great place to use a red marker :evil: They stay far away from my chit now
  24. Tym replied to Tym's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    Thanks, so when is Yam going to send me the 660? Why has Yam forsaken me?
  25. Tym replied to JohnR6's post in a topic in The Bar
    Cant say i've had anyone get to aggressive, however, the chances of someone getting shot is pretty good if they act up in the States