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Everything posted by Tym

  1. Tym replied to yammie girl's post in a topic in The Bar
    The girls down in the "hood" would give you two circles and a snap... its a good thing :!:
  2. Tym replied to Tym's post in a topic in General
    Just realized i dont have any current ones, you dont want an old pic, i'll get Nicole to snap some new ones
  3. Tym replied to Tym's post in a topic in General
    No, got tired of people posting and axing her fir help, butt never wanting to ride anywherre, and being dicks :!: Same problem everyone has, you pay fir a forum, do endless hours of site maintenence, try to make it a decent place, and people purposly try to fuck it up, and then rag on the owner and their mods :roll:
  4. Tym replied to Pete's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    Thank you darlin :oops:
  5. Tym replied to Tym's post in a topic in General
    Therre mag doesnt burn well either Butt, i have been debanned due to Hamayar's diplomatic skillz, back on the twat offensive!!!!!!! Heather is Tammy's 14 year old daughter, and a trooper, burned her leg on the way to my house, 2nd degree, and never whined the whole weekend. Tammy doesnt like her pic takin, cause she's self conscious that she isnt a 10, its a good thing guy motorcyclists areNt expected to be attractive, cause therre wouldnt be many riding cycles, snicker... Mt Washington was having a ice storm, so we couldnt ride to the top, i dunno why~~ Had a nice weekend ride, hope ya'll had too :!: Yes, i do enjoy the company of girls.... However, YamaGirl is so attractive, i will find it near impossible to love anutter woman :cry:
  6. Tym replied to Tym's post in a topic in General
    Seems like the property manages me Wait, did you post, TONY DANZA! :shock: That story still haunts me :arrow: :!:
  7. Tym replied to Tym's post in a topic in General
    :arrow: Ola! Very attractive young lady YamaGirl is :!: Oh XT, sorry missed your inquiry, yup banned :roll: Tammy showed up with Heather so i'll be away fir the weekend... Werre going up into the Mountains to get lossed, maybe go up to the top of MtWashington.. ~So, ya'll have a safe weekend, and i'll try to get some pics~ Hafa Adai!
  8. Tym replied to Tym's post in a topic in General
    Thanks XT, since she still very young, she's trying those tricks young girls use... i wish i knew now what i didnt know then... :?:
  9. Tym replied to Tym's post in a topic in General
    Very demanding, got to be young and vivacious... To many hard miles on this chassis darlin... is your mother available? You could call me daddy :!: :twisted:
  10. Tym replied to Tym's post in a topic in General
    Therre is a form first: [ ] XT says he is XTremely confident i am: a. Female over b. 39 years old... Thats about it... i dont not trust the rest of you guys, swear :wink: XT is my hero ya know, he's da Masta Playa 8)
  11. Tym replied to Tym's post in a topic in General
    I can handle this guys, scuse me, pardon, oh, was that some toes i just steped on? sorry, opps sorry about spillin your beer, scuse me, oh, sorry about my elbow to your temple, scuse me, comin thru, bang! Sorry Thats whats its like trying to get to a girl in a bar over herre jeeez, i figot what i was gunna post :?: oh yea -} :oops: ooops loooks like a blush Oh yea, please help...stop....send help...a Merica is being takin over by twats....stop...* *end of textual transmission, edited by WorldWide Mod, John AssCroft, all rights reserved, no explanation necessary, our moto: Either your with us, or dead.... Somebody release me from this tainted orb!!!!! :shock: Send lawyers guns and money :!:
  12. Tym posted a post in a topic in General
    Just was banned from CykoWorld cause i was bothering the forums twats. So i'm boycotting/burning therre rag
  13. Tym replied to Pete's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    Word :!:
  14. Tym replied to Pete's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    Actually, fir odd reason i do like wings, all those buttons are cool, i love pressin buttons
  15. Tym replied to Pete's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    Wingers too? :roll: It should be legal to run twats off the road
  16. Tym replied to Pete's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    i didnt think RUBism would spread like a virus... No wonder everyone hates a Merica, we exported Mickey Dee's and Harley twatism... You can ride your Fat boy eating a big mac, while dressed like the biker in the villiage people band. Viva lost Vegas!
  17. Tym replied to Pete's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    i would consider killing fir a FJR1300 That is my idea of the ultimate sport-tourer.. Since the Connie is half the price over herre, thats the one i want :arrow: :!: The cop was a twat, cause based on the video you could tell he was flirtin with disaster trying to clear the tracks :roll:
  18. Tym replied to Pete's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    Once in awhile Kawa pops in to CW XT, seems to have calmed down his textual self a bit he got a FJR1300 so now i hate his guts, bastid :wink:
  19. 919 is funny, to a point Hack can't get a handle on me, one minute i'm riping, the next being cival :twisted: Him DJ and Zonk formed an aliance of Twats before the Deals ridout, much mutual buttlicking, my appearance was a coup, fucked therre return to CW as Deals Deciples... Since i rode derre and back, while missing hack, made their trailer expedition look lame Zonk even trailerd a touring bike therre :shock: Now Zonks trying to say i never got shot at in the Philipeans in '69, the nerve, eh? :wink:
  20. Tym replied to Pete's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    Same thing over herre with the cops, they ignore me, and i ignore them Therre waiting fir the sportbikers, cops go back to the cop shop herre and brag what kinda chit they bagged, sportbikes and red sports cars with hot chicks are stoped the most often :wink: Was watchin a cop show on tv, guy started chasin a dirt bike, the kid went over some RR tacks, so did the cop, the cop got stuck on the RR tracks You should have seen his face when a freight train appeared His last quote fir the tv spot was priceless. "You chase a dirtbike, and no good will come offit" In the back ground a Wrecker was dragging the cop car off the tracks, much grinding and crunchin noises
  21. Turn right on Clue Less Memorial Parkway™, its a toll road though :shock:
  22. Ya, a garmin V, pretty cool, useful over herre, can hold 19mb of extra detail in addition to its base map of highways and state rt's, when i got to Tenn, pluged in the address to the texas roadhouse in Alcoa, took me right to the front door, awsum
  23. Yam's build quality and components are light years ahead of the KLR, thats fir sure, i do like my dash though
  24. Tym replied to Pete's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    I'd say my KLR is good to about a 1000miles out.... With a comfortable cruise speed of 75mph.... Did top 105 indicated on the speedometer last trip. I do have good windprotection, and the option of a big windshield fir the wintermonths... however, i want to go farther faster, and am saving up fir a Connie so i can go to the left coast and back in a weeks time.... For me the ideal garage will have a dual sport and a sport-tourer... Half way derre 8)
  25. Tym replied to Tym's post in a topic in The Bar
    I can answer Yammie girls questions guys, thanks I'm up to about 5' 8" So i wear cowboy boots with big heals, gets me up to 5' 10" Did you mean weight? 150lbs, not sure how many times i'd have to git stoned fir that, ummmm, stones, right? i dunno guy named Renegade sent me the sticker, he owns http://www.wsatc.com i flew it into battle to Alcoa Tennesee to tell twats in 3D to, well, you know... [wink] i didnt do anything wrong, i fuckin swear :!: What was the question :?: