Everything posted by Tym
XT on Covert Operations!
Just locally... scenic local new england shot No big plans, tropical moisture is herre, feels like floriduh today... 100% humidity, 1000 degrees, mesh jackets are fantastic, cant fathom how i rode in this heat without them...if this was France, thousands would be dying right now :wink: check out downtown "New" London Up at that stop sign, i reported to a cop my taxi-cab had been shot up one night... he was like, "So what do you want me to do about it?" :?:
XT on Covert Operations!
Always great pics XT! Top man class
Thumper goes to North Wales!
I'd fly over to see my homeland and ride around the UK, butt, i want a sport tourer to keep my KLR company I've checked on bike rental prices, jeez, i had no idea i was saving so much money by buying :shock:
Thumper goes to North Wales!
Very nice pics' XT, and a very nice country side you have therre, i can never see more than a few hundred yards unless i'm by the water in Connecticut, some shots from today Hit 14000 last night
Is this the UK's.........
My back roads are off road
Well, all things being equal, clean oil beats dirty oil, cant convince me otherwise
My back roads are off road
26 times I wish i had a selection of oils to choose from, no place near me stocks oil of any value, the only oil i can consitently find is mobil 1, might end up going down to the truck stop and pickin up good quality fleet oil... .
My back roads are off road
I'm 8 miles shy of 14,000 XT 8) ~Madison is just down the road from me, probly 20 miles away~
My back roads are off road
Just some pics of today in SouthEast Connecticut :!: Got air three times Notice the half a car width lanes, nice air going that way, this is looking down a 10% grade, hard to tell, pretty steep 8) Same road! in the distance comin this way, i left the surrlley bonds of mother earth! :twisted: Typical conditions in my twisties, and StateSiders cant understand why i went enduro and not sportbike :roll: PhotoGhostShop I havnt a clue, CTDOT at work Saw this thing fir sale fir $800, needs work, no fluid in the brakes, corrosion, wear and tear, 21,000 miles, an '80 shaft drive 850
I love my 1987 Yam
I love pics, they make up fir my lyrical limitations herres the topic with no pics, I went out to sea a bunch of sail boats, looked around, came back to port, sea log 21-35-350... no sign of Cling On's™ :shock:
I love my 1987 Yam
No trips in the works XT, Tammy said something about a weekend in the finger lakes region Trying to stay local to save up fir my Connie... Not much fishing, if the fish are schooling and its easy to catchum, i'll throw in a hook
I love my 1987 Yam
I love my 1987 Yam
I love my 1987 Yam
I love my 1987 Yam
Triple smoker, triple everything, triple carbs, triple pistons, starts first time every time, i love my Yam :!: Bunch of tall shipz parked in my bay, went out and got some shots, last time they did this i bought a case when the coast guard said i tried to ram the Amistad :roll: The Amistad: They had a gunboat dis time More to follow~~~~
XT Dilemma!
You need the perfect garage XT, an Enduro, and a } Sport Tourer {... Get your self a dedicated two up bike, And use the enduro fir hooliganisms
Living on a small island once drove me batty :wink:
CycleWorld sucks
Patience is a virtue :wink:
I'm taking care of my elderly parents, and their stuff, i dont want them put in a Nursing Home, cause they should be allowed to live in their own home as long as i can help it, so, until they die, or i die...this is wherre i'll stay... however, Connecticut sucks, only states that suck more are all the ones in the midwest, except Mini Snowta Mini Snowta is the Holy land, and all other States are just butt a buffer to be sacrificed to save, the holy land, Mini Snowta...
i'm being held herre against my will :cry:
Well, two circles and a snap is done like dis: The snap part comes from snaping your fingers, so position your fingerz in the *pre snap position *refer to figure 1a, on page 12c of the supplied visul reference manuel, #4505, suplement B. Before intiating snaping sequence, rotate pre positioned snaping hand in a circle, doit agin, dats two circles, now snap, dats da snap Two circles and a snap, is a good thing :!: down In da hoodz
CycleWorld sucks
Not the first tyme i herd dat
About 45 and half circles of the sun