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Everything posted by Terry9921

  1. Hiya, I am trying to sort out a problem with my SR250. Bike starts OK but backfires on 1/2 to full throttle, I've replaced the main jet with a larger one because the exhaust pipe has no baffle and the air filter is now a pod one (bike came like that so I'll work with what I have) I have tried to get a slightly larger pilot jet #50 but so far I'm not quite sure which one is correct. The one I have is #47.5 with 6 holes in the side, there seems to be some out there with no holes in the side and one with 8 holes in the side. Does anyone know which one is right and what the difference is please?
  2. Hi there I'm new here so go easy on me, lol. I've recently got a SR250 1981 with a few problems (so will probably be asking a lot of questions which have been asked before so sorry).