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  1. davidjimrd replied to Mkksat13's post in a topic in Other troubleshooting
    I'm also facing some issue on my e-scooter troubleshooting. I don't know what to do?
  2. davidjimrd replied to Twostroketed's post in a topic in The Bar
    First of all you need to check if the fairing has a handlebar top cover or not. If it does, then removing it will be a lot easier than what you think. Just remove the four screws that hold the fairing on and use your hand to pull out. Then loosen up all the bolts and detach them from the top plate of fairing as well. After this, just take off the rear wheel by removing two bolts at each side of each axle and unplug both front lights. Lastly, remove one bolt in each wheel arch with a flat head screwdriver from underneath. That's it! Now your Delight scooter is ready for customization!
  3. The first thing you should know about this class of bikes is that they are made to be exactly what you need them to be. If you're looking for a bike that can climb or cruise, then the SR125 is great at that. It perfectly balances power and efficiency, yet doesn't sacrifice weight on either end. What it does sacrifice is handling, but given the fact that most of these bikes will be used aggressively all around town or on light trails make this more than an acceptable compromise. Seating position on this bike improves comfort dramatically over other similar offerings considering the size and power the engine provides regardless of your weight distribution amongst riders (more if there's more) given its compact proportions
  4. davidjimrd replied to Malleus's post in a topic in The Bar
    I prefer FZ6, the fastest one
  5. davidjimrd replied to ddlooping's post in a topic in General
    The best gloves are the ones that are the most comfortable for you--they are made for your hands. This is my list for best summer motorcycle gloves 2021
  6. davidjimrd replied to meatloaf's post in a topic in General
    Cold weather gloves are very important. In the cold weather, your body loses heat faster than it is able to produce it. This will cause your body to lose heat faster than it can be replaced. This can cause you to freeze from the inside out. It is recommended that you use gloves that have a name brand and have a rating for cold weather. I'm using this Iron JIA’s Waterproof Motorcycle Gloves.