Everything posted by MickMackMike
Yamaha DT125LC MK2/3 CDI Issues!
Negotiator, did you change with a new CDI or old one???, as i think this cdi may have an endemic problem?? So if this helps anyone a standard dt125 cdi (one less lead no red and black wire) does not seem to work on a straight swap,,, although all other colours match. Thats a bit strange as the red and black only gives the ignition off signal from what I can gather on an ohm test. With the oem cdi though if you disconnect this red and black cable (which is missing from a standard dt cdi) the bike will give no spark. The red and black wire seems to be open circuit for the ignition,,, but in open position of ignition cdi will not spark... At this stage I am thinking the irregular good run bad run no run runs great is probably cdi sporadic... One guy on youtube hits the cdi then it runs bad or runs good,,, this could be internal solder points,,, so am thinking that may be it at this stage, and will test this accordingly.. he swaps out to a 2rh-mo and changes the leads
DT 125 lc -87 spark missing
This may help someone else 6 years on... But rough to run fine, then rough again for no logical reason appears to be CDI I have checked everything and reading this post convinces me the last countless ours of diagnosing this bike rebuilding and replacing parts etc leads me to this conclusion as given below.
Yamaha DT125LC MK2/3 CDI Issues!
This is really helpful as I have been stumped for months, with sporadic run great then run rough,, hardly run at all rough, and run okay rough, and cannot start rough, followed by runs great.. not always in any particular order of sequence. . mutliple carby rebuilds, diagnosis on pickup coil, and added heat to that and cdi. changed spark plugs spark plug cap , ignition coil... cleaned connectors.. I have same issue. finally looking for help online and found your post. Now convinced after reading your experience that this appears yes to be the CDI... reading elswhere, cdi fault is endemic to the 125LC Michael.
DT125LC mkIII compatability with other cylinders and pistons for what model??
Does anybody know what compatibility is over what years for the DT125LC mkIII i see different information on the net suggesting this same cylinder has been used on other bikes and models,,, but I cannot confirm. The DT125r following the LC was air cooled, but a DT125re was liquid cooled again.. Is it the same? Have any other bikes used the same cylinder, apart from ebay listings which suggest compatibility at "buyers risk" I find it very difficult to find this info out. Its also difficult to ascertain piston compatibility. I've been stuck before ordering off width,,, then receiving a piston that is too tall or short for a model that had a different stroke,, but even the seller didn't know wasn't compatible. My bike was originally a German bike imported to the Pacific where it is now. It has the YPVS on it. Bike I believe is probably 1986-88 Mike.