yamaha xvs 125 2003 model electrical starting issue
Sorry for the late post I had trouble signing in since last time I checked the battery which while keys in off position was 10.5v so practically threw that out and bought a new one, bike started no issue after putting it in and would start first crank but has now run into the same issue yet again. From my own look online it could be a fuel issue (either water getting in or clogged floats/jet screw) but I can smell fuel if I flood the cylinders and it makes compression and spark and spins over fine I'm at a wit's end but will try draining the tank and carb completely and if it runs I'll be sure to write in on here and check the intake/filter for leaks as I know the fuel tank cap is good
yamaha xvs 125 2003 model electrical starting issue
i was thinking the same thing with the battery. there was also the green goo around a connector that plugs into the starter relay so ill probably have to clean it out but everything is either pointing to a bad connection or dead cell in the battery which i hope
yamaha xvs 125 2003 model electrical starting issue
the red terminal connector was arcing to the terminal itself =, after sanding it and getting bolts that hold it tighter its no longer arcs the battery also dies fairly quickly
yamaha xvs 125 2003 model electrical starting issue
the old and new one work the same but the engine turns over quicker on the new one
Kelan walker changed their profile photo
yamaha xvs 125 2003 model electrical starting issue
hi everyone this is my first post on the forum as i've looked through many relevant posts but none seem to have my exact problem and was hoping if the much smarter people of this forum could help me. the bike was running fine when i first bought it 2 weeks ago but it has since stopped starting or if it does the front cylinder wont fire and only will start to if i rev the bike, the bike also displays a 3 second engine light which i've seen is related to the voltage regulator, but after replacing it the bike didn't start any better (although the lights on the bike looked much brighter). the battery also gets very hot even after i cleaned the contacts up and has sparked a few times when first pressing the start button then would cut out after the battery arced. if anyone on here has any suggestions it would be much appreciated as i would like to repair this bike entirely myself if possible because id prefer to spend the money on good gear thanks, kelan
XVS 125 - Mystery Problem..
having similar issue (second cylinder only fires up if i rev the bike) and saw somewhere else it might be the voltage regulator