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Everything posted by Geiger

  1. OK, just a quick update. I did indeed get a cable from Wemoto, and it is now fitted!!! I chose the Yamaha RD multi fit as it has a gently curved fitment at the instrument end. Part no.AC 4245. The other option was for a DT 125 RD 350. Part no. AC 3665. This one has a straight fitting but does have a heat shield spring. I happened to have some springs from a XS 650 restoration I did a few years back, and fitted one to the cable i bought. Many thanks to everyone who helped.
  2. With the kind assistance from Neo I did contact Wemoto and found a suitable tacho cable which is only 25mm shorter than standard, so I am pretty sure it will fit ok. I will post when fitted. Only down side is that it is black and not gray, but you can't have everything on a bike from the 70s.
  3. Thanks for this Neo. I found the cable in USA at KDI Reproductions for about £12, but with £50 postage!!!
  4. Yes, I can imagine. I was a member a few years ago, but when the Yam went I didn't bother to renew.
  5. Hi everyone, I have owned several Yams over too many decades I now have another one. RT1 B to be precise, like a forerunner of the DT. Problem is locating a tacho cable in the UK. I know there will be one from a different model. it's just finding which one. So here is my request. If anyone can spend a few minutes measuring their tacho cable and then let me know the length and their bike model I can probably get a cable to do the job. The length I am looking for is 865mm, or within a few centimetres, with 11mm and 15mm screw cap fittings respectively. Any help would be really appreciated.