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Gordon Andrews

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Everything posted by Gordon Andrews

  1. Thanks for your reply. I have now removed the master switch which was not that difficult but the cost of replacement parts you can not be too careful. I am new to this site and find the system a little bit difficult to navigate, call me stupid if you like.
  2. {Posted a request for information a few days ago, no answers! Just to let you know I found the answer trying to remove the main switch. G
  3. Hi, Just started a project on a Teo's 125 and have a work shop manual but there is now information on how the main switch cap comwes away. Don't want to beak, could it be a bayanut or just a lift off? not sure. Anyone help.
  4. Hi, Just started a project on a Teo's 125 and have a work shop manual but there is now information on how the main switch cap comwes away. Don't want to beak, could it be a bayanut or just a lift off? not sure. Anyone help. 😀