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Everything posted by Snakebite68

  1. Snakebite68

    New helmet.

    REALLY need a better bot filter! lol
  2. Could I have a picture of the shaft end WITHOUT the file in it and a picture of the back of the shifter please? It's probably nothing (I'm no mechanic), but I had a thought I wanna check with the pictures...
  3. I'm torn between saying: 1/ It's ok, it's only surface rust... 2/ DAMN! That's a lot of rust..! But I think I'm going to go with: 3/ Wherever that's been, it's been laid on its side or under a leaky roof!
  4. I doubt anyone on here will be checking a Chevy... Are you a bot? lol
  5. You might want to close the topic too...
  6. As y'all know, I have a 1998 Thunderace... It's THIS colour: Vivid Red Cocktail But..! There's ANOTHER one!!! VERY close to where I live, I see it sometimes on the way to work! It's even the same colour pattern!!! I don't know who he is or where he lives or how long he's had it, but it's really, REALLY strange seeing 'my' bike on the road! lol There's so few of them left, and this is the only other one I've seen in 'my' colours. I'm getting mine back on the road for the start of the season after riding my V-Strom for the last year. I'll surprise him one morning and drop into convoy..!
  7. No reason to keep ALL of them stored! Get your ass out there!!!
  8. https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fpin%2F316307573820747078%2F&psig=AOvVaw3LeSb2kxR3-7brEomV5qnP&ust=1672325132967000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CA8QjRxqFwoTCNC67eLGnPwCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD
  9. I very much doubt there's anyone here that could officially confirm anything to the DLV..! lol I suspect that 'Yamaha Owners Club' isn't actually what they said, but something close. And you'll probably have to get in contact with Yamaha. I have no doubt that someone on here will let you know shortly who you have to talk to...
  10. Grats! Give them a really good scrub up and get them sold!!!
  11. No worries. As I said, the indicated codes on the 750 are apparently different than on the Thunderace, even though they indicate the same 3 faults (who knows why this is...). Or I could have told you exactly which one it was. The strange thing was, when I looked at the 750s manual online, I couldn't find any mention of the error codes!
  12. Aaaand... That appears to be all you're getting! lol I can't add much more, but I really can't see a 125 having the same sized wheel as a 650!
  13. No, if they're not designed for LED, don't get them. LED need specially shaped mirrors, and normal ones don't cut it so they actually don't work as well! Be careful about upgrading your bulbs, many that are sold in shops turn out not to be legal on the road!
  14. Yeah... That's not an awful lot to go on..! lol
  15. SORN only came in in 1998. As stated above: Any vehicle that was offroad before that date and hasn't been taxed or declared SORN since, doesn't need to be SORNed. If it is re-taxed, then every year it's offroad thereafter it requires SORNing.
  16. Snakebite68


    Well, you like making it difficult for yourself... Since you used a 3rd frame, the other two don't really exist anymore (since the BIKE is the frame). I suspect you'll either have to sell the two frames, or, scrap them (don't forget you have to have all THREE Sorned if they're not currently on the road). After that, you probably just need to register the 3rd frame with the correct engine number. To do this, phone the DVLA up, general number, they'll put you onto the right department or form...
  17. This is an error code... There's 3 of them, one for fuel sensor, one for exup valve and one for your TPS. I'm not sure which of the 3 you have, they're apparently different from the Thunderaces. Unless you've had your tank off lately, I'd check your exup first...
  18. That's never a good story! lol
  19. Nice! Those DTs were cool. Welcome in... Is there any YZFs in there? Thunderace, Thundercat, 750?
  20. If it's anything like the Thunderace, it probably burns a certain amount of oil as a general course... It could be that you're not quite topping up as much as you think. Make sure you're topping up the oil on a level surface and that the bike is perfectly upright (ether on a pair of stands or by looking for the balancing point). My Thunderaces light comes on when the oil is a little low at high revs, but goes off again once I drop the revs again and the oil pools a bit more. It may be that yours is doing the same thing but has something else on it that's holding the light for longer... When was your last complete oil change? Even topping up regularly still ends up with week oil eventually.
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