Everything posted by Snakebite68
Different Bike advice needed...
Yeah, I'm getting used to it now. Strangely, the throttle seems to just keep turning, I've not reached the end of it yet! I suppose this is the whole 'fuel injection' thing, the Ace has carbs... I'm starting to enjoy it, but I do miss the balls out acceleration of the Ace!
Different Bike advice needed...
I've been commuting year round for 2.5 years now on my trusty old Thunderace and being an old bike, it requires regular and sometimes in depth maintenance. Which, because I'm riding pretty much EVERY day, it's not getting... So... I bought myself a 2018 edition (registered 2017) Suzuki DL1000A to take the strain off the Thunderace and also allow me to strip it down and do the work to it it needs. Now. I'm not used to a V-Twin so, my questions are: 1/ When you wind a V-Twin on, do they always sound like several people are hammering a piece of concrete a couple of doors away? 2/ Baring in mind the above question, how do I tell if the engine is struggling (when I'm in too high a gear)? It's easy to tell on the Ace, but I just can't tell on the V-Twin lol 3/ What should I be expecting from my gears, so far, this is all I have: Gear 1, appears to be zero to bugger all... Gear 2, appears to be bugger all to about 40ish... Gear 3, appears to be 40ish up to 70... Gear 4, appears to be a responsive cruise at 70... Gears 5 & 6, appear to be just something to do at 70 to cut down your fuel usage! Am I just doing it all wrong on an Adventure bike? Am I just too used to a sports bike? Thoughts and observations welcome! P.S. Riding a V-Strom after a Thunderace is like having to learn to ride all over again! All my corners are a bag of shit! I look like a n00b! rofl
I could do with some pointers. ybr 125 type.
The obvious question is: Did you contact the guy he got it from? Second question if there's no joy from him is: How long has it been since he actually paid, and what method of payment was used? Third question: Have you considered just getting a new loom and rebuilding it how it's meant to be?
Donation of Car Transportation Required
1.8 SRI, R reg (facelift C). It's been weeping oil for the last 5 years and hasn't missed a beat! But with an engine light on and the airbag light on, I just can't afford to get it through its next MOT. It's NEVER failed to start while it has charge in the battery... It's NEVER broken down... It's worked hard for us for the last 9 years and been the most reliable car I or any of my mates has had, it's never let us down! I turned the key on it yesterday for the first time in over 6 months. Didn't even stutter! Started right up. I'm sorry to see it go, but I just don't have the skills to fix it up. But this way, it has another 2 or 3 years of life teaching budding mechanics how to do it. I just need to get the thing over to the College..! lol
Yamaha twinjet yl1 and trailmaster yg1 questions and repairs
I think the first thing you should do is contact the police and make sure they're not reported stolen. Facebook is NOT the location of choice for motorcycle purchases. Also, there's no good reason for the electrics to be 'messed up' and missing a 'key switch' if someone hadn't already been trying to hotwire it...
Donation of Car Transportation Required
So, since I bought my Thunderace 2.5 years ago, my poor old Vauxhall Vectra has had hardly any use. For the last Year and a half it's just sat sadly outside the house (on the drive) SORNed. It's beyond my personal skillset to put right, so I am donating it free of charge to Wakefield Technical College (Automotive Department), where it will spend the next 2-3 years being taken apart and put back together and so on by the Mechanic Students... But we've run into a snag... They have someone that can come and pick it up on one of his own trailers, but they've got a couple of people self isolating and they have no one that can stand in and take his classes while he does it. What I need is someone that can donate a bit of time to transport it from Dewsbury to the Castleford Campus. I personally would like this done as soon as possible, as we've just bought a house and the car is still sat outside our old flat and the Landlord would quite like it moved (probably the polite version!). Is there anyone out there that can help? P.S. It's a runner and shouldn't have any problems getting up onto either a trailer or transporter. P.P.S. I am off all this week and can do it anytime, any day except Friday (it's my birthday and I'll probably be in no state! ).
77 XS750 Top End Rebuild Help
Whether that would cause the problems you've been having, I don't know, but if nothing else, it will stop the leak which is one fewer problems you have to deal with. It's possible that the effects you are seeing are a result of several things... I've never done it personally, but lapping your valves looks straight forward enough. Might be worth doing while you have it open again. Also while you have it open... Get an engineers straight edge and make sure the head is completely flat! No point putting it back together again if it isn't.
Alternative radiator & mods for Thunderace minus fairing
There's really not a great deal to tell lol. Most of it (being run over several times, falling from height (I used to free climb), various impact injuries (we used to go mountain biking in the woods (on racers, before mountain bikes were invented!) was just a mix between a youthful flagrant disregard of personal safety crossed with the indestructible-ness of youth. The rest, well, I had a friend whose dad ran an Army adventure training camp in the Lake District. We used to go over for the summer holidays. 5-6 weeks of orienteering, climbing, abseiling, cycling, canoeing, un-officially joining in on the training operations the Army ran out there like mountain rescue... We were woken up at 02:30 (after having gone to bed about 01:00 lol), taken out silently in a Land Rover into the middle of frigging nowhere. We got out, and in the dim light of pre-dawn, I was pointed at a line of hills about 3 miles from where we'd stopped. Given a water bottle and told to 'Find a good place to rest up and break a leg!' The story was, 2 hikers were missing on the hills, the Army was going to assist the mountain rescue. I was one of those missing hikers. I wasn't allowed to attract the attention of the searchers, but I wasn't to actively hide. It took them about 5 and a half hours to find me, they were in my general vicinity more than once (I'd found a ledge half way down a 20' cliff face lol). I got carried down the mountain strapped to two of the old frame burgens... Anyway, we used to have a bomb fire every night with fallen wood we collected in the surrounding forests. Big ring of stones, big pile of wood, half a gallon of petrol and a match. It was my job to light the bomb fire each night. Well, this night, apparently, someone had had the bright idea to help me out and put half a gallon of petrol on the fire for me! Unfortunately, he wasn't the only one... At best guess after the following investigation, There was about 9 gallons of fuel on there when I waddled up with my jerry can..! The ensuing fireball was seen from 20 miles away! Went higher than the surrounding trees (about 120'). It lifted me from my standing point on the ring of stones, and deposited me (strangely unharmed) on my back some 15-20 feet away! Still holding my box of matches and a surprised look..!!! As I say, I was relatively unharmed other than a rather dazed 10mins following the explosion, however, everyone else around me (up to about 30 feet) had singed hair and were not in possession of all their eyebrows!!! Well, that's kind of a snippet of the strange life I've lead... I wouldn't swap any of it, but quite a bit of it has left injuries! lol
77 XS750 Top End Rebuild Help
Ok... I'm spitballing here, but... When you had the head off, did you: 1/ Re-seat/lap the valves? 2/ Change the valve stem oil seals? 3/ Change the valve springs? Is it possible you have: 1/ Messed up a piston ring? 2/ Tightened either end of the crank too tight? Looking at your pictures, is that a rusty rod on the middle piston? If it is, have you had the bottom end of the engine open?
Alternative radiator & mods for Thunderace minus fairing
And would you believe I've never been in the Army? lol Although, it WAS the Army that blew me up once... I find myself mostly resting on that huge hump of a tank. Even with the back injury I'm not really holding on that much. But I do feel it in my wrists from time to time. Strangely, my new V-Strom is kicking the crap out of my back, I'm not used to sitting up that much lol.
aftermarket silencers
Oh, I keep seeing Thundercats around, there's definitely several within easy range of Squires.
77 XS750 Top End Rebuild Help
And are they all the same now? We could really do with a video of what it's doing WITH sound... lol
Alternative radiator & mods for Thunderace minus fairing
Just out of curiosity, how old are you? I'm 53 at the end of next week, and I've been shot, stabbed, blown up (twice), run over (several times), knocked down, fallen from height and have been through a windscreen (from the outside in). This doesn't even account for the injuries from playing rugby in school and a repetitive strain injury on my lower back from an old job bent over a hot sewing machine... Although I've got up and walked away from, almost, all of this, it's taken its toll... What I'm trying to say is: What's up with your wrists? The Ace is damn comfy! Ok, I've got about 1.5hrs on it before I HAVE to get off and have a fag and a stretch to ease my back. You might want to have your clutch checked, mine is light too...
aftermarket silencers
There are a couple of Aces that come to Squires Café occasionally, but I've never actually seen another one on the road in passing since I got mine (2.5 years ago)...
Alternative radiator & mods for Thunderace minus fairing
Vivid Red Cocktail! Same as mine!!! The best colour pattern in my eyes (even before I got mine)...
YSR50 available
Can't be Firefox, I use that too...
XJ6 N 2009
NOTE: The swing arm removal kit should be used for removing the swing arm only and is not intended for normal daily use. The kit should ONLY be used with the Superbike Stand (not Front Lift Arm) and the Sky Lift in the stoppie position (with the front wheel on the ground). Hmmm... Sounds even more dubious! lol 2 8mm bolts holding up my Thunderace!!! I did see that bit, but couldn't find it on the website. Time to save up I suppose lol.
77 XS750 Top End Rebuild Help
You've got one oily plug, was that before or after the rebuild?
XJ6 N 2009
I've just had a look at that Abba Stand, it looks pretty good (although I was horrified when the demonstrator bloke climbed up on the hayabusa he'd just lifted, sat on it, then climbed off the other side. It's obviously safe, but doesn't look it! lol But since it uses the swingarm pivot, I don't see how you can take the swingarm off using it..?
YZF1000R Thunderace!
Funny you posted that material, we eventually got a Thunderace – Triboseat... DON'T CUT UP YOUR FAIRING!!! See my post on your other thread..! I've commuted on my Ace now for 2.5 years, it does it great, but it's feeling the pain. Most recently the swingarm has seized up, so I've bought a V-Strom to take the strain off it and so I can strip it down and do the maintenance that it desperately needs. I have heard good things about some of the Chinese fairings. If I had the cash, I'd consider it myself.
Alternative radiator & mods for Thunderace minus fairing
STOP!!! I don't have any links, so you're gonna have to rummage yourself, but, there's a company out there that make top yolk and risers that are designed to NOT interfere with the fairing. If keeping the bike with the fairing on isn't incentive enough to rummage the web, Thunderace fairing parts are getting rarer and rarer... Please don't go cutting bits off... lol Out of curiosity, which colour pattern Thunderace do you have?
Hey! Hi! How ya doin'?
Drivetrain, everything that is involved with the direct drive of a vehicle from engine to rubber... Chain is just one of them! Guys here are either knowledgeable or just bright, you should get most questions answered to a good degree.
YSR50 available
I see no pictures...
YSR50 available
That's a 50cc?
XJ6 N 2009
The problem with 'endless' chains is that there's MANY ways you can 'do it wrong' or badly. Best to get someone else to do it (someone you can sue) lol