1992 Yamaha FJ-1200 ABS does not want to idle when hot. Splutters, misfires and dies.
I'm not normally a 'name & shame' person, but that's terrible! And I'm not sure on our rules for that either... So probably better not to. But the point is, it doesn't matter how many people have 'had a go' with it, it's work, and if he can fix it, it just shows his skills. What I'm reading out of that is: "I'm not a proper mechanic, am crap at diagnostics and can only swap out parts hoping the problem will go away." (which is partly what you've been doing, but he's supposed to be the professional!).
Welcome back for your 2nd post! lol Make? Model? Colour? They will all help in spotting it. With a quick bit of research: Make: Yamaha Model: RD350 Colour: Yellow Is all that correct? It appears to be Taxed, but there's apparently been no MOT on it since 13/07/13...
Thunderace Flex Brake Hoses
A vain hope, but did you get this sorted in the end Red?
Changed to LED on my 2016 YBR Custom, indicators aren't co-operating
Any news on this issue CWizz? We get a lot of 'one posters' in here, but very few of them actually become members to do this! lol Did you get them working?
Forum Changes...
Or a not so subtle one... I'm also not loving the delineation between threads in the various topics. I'm not even certain what it is I don't like about it... Maybe that it's just a single line and therefor looks it's a sequence of posts rather than separate threads.
Forum Changes...
Well, as some of you may have noticed, there have been one or two slight, minor, hardly noticeable changes to the Forums... I'm sorry, I'm English, sometimes we don't realise that Sarcasm Mode is engaged! So, long and short of it, I blame Alex, he broke it!!! lol No seriously, there's been an upgrade to Invision v5, and it obviously hasn't gone as smoothly as possible. I got this message from Alex last night: Hi Paul, Hope all is well. I've seen your comments on the board but can't respond! The upgrade to v5 of the forum software has been a disaster. It was fully tested in the same environment, applications etc. I also waited for two revisions after the v5 went live to ensure we didn't have this issue. All testing went perfectly. However on rollout and after migrating the databases, I discovered there's an issue with certain member groups breaking the WYSIWYG editor. I'm in one of those groups. Invision have a ticket on this and they've discovered it's a remnant from v2 of Invision in how the member groups are allocated. They have a fix coming but we just have to wait. They gave me some solutions to try I could do manually but none of them worked. An absolute pain in the ass. Alex So, for those of you wondering, it's being worked on and hopefully things should be fixed soon!
1992 Yamaha FJ-1200 ABS does not want to idle when hot. Splutters, misfires and dies.
It's always nice when you don't have any spares! :D
1992 Yamaha FJ-1200 ABS does not want to idle when hot. Splutters, misfires and dies.
I used to be older than I looked, but then I got fat and bald! rofl
1992 Yamaha FJ-1200 ABS does not want to idle when hot. Splutters, misfires and dies.
Don't be so sure, I'm older than I sound! 😛 lol
1992 Yamaha FJ-1200 ABS does not want to idle when hot. Splutters, misfires and dies.
If you're only just figuring that out, this must be your first bike (not counting anything back in the 70s/80s)... It's not the bike, it's not even the insurance, it's the damn ancillaries! lol Helmet, Jacket, Trousers, Gloves, Boots. Then you need a lock & chain... Then you need a lighter security option... Then you need a different lighter security option because the first one turned out to be crap... Then the Summer comes round and those nice Trousers & Jacket are way too hot, so you need a lighter set... Then you've forgotten your big Gauntlets and need a lighter pair... THEN, you start doing little bits & bobs to your bike and decide you need a paddock stand... Then you realise you need a FRONT paddock stand... Then, if you don't already have them, basic tools... Then more specific tools... Then expensive tools... Then your basic tools are too basic and you want a better set... THEN, your Helmet times out and you need another one... THEN, you get another bike, and your gear is the wrong colour and it all starts again..!!!
Anybody know where to get/find a fzx750 headlight?
What NEO said... Also, take a look on https://www.fowlersparts.co.uk/ , find your part, then post the part code here. Gives everyone a better chance...
1992 Yamaha FJ-1200 ABS does not want to idle when hot. Splutters, misfires and dies.
Yeah, as Neo said, wet filters (I just couldn't remember what they were called...). Like K&Ns.
1992 Yamaha FJ-1200 ABS does not want to idle when hot. Splutters, misfires and dies.
I have no preference for either of those, however... Just bare in mind that if you get 'oil' air filters, there's a lot of work involved keeping them good. Yes, they are great, however. If you don't put enough oil on them or don't clean them and replace the oil on a regular basis, they don't work properly... If you put TOO MUCH oil on them, then they suck that into the engine and / or clog up..! With either option, I suspect you'll have to do a lot more work / more frequent checking than the standard paper filters.
Changed to LED on my 2016 YBR Custom, indicators aren't co-operating
Hihi, first off, welcome in... So... LED swaps aren't just straight forward... Ever... There are several questions that need answering before you get anywhere near an answer to this. 1/ Did you purchase a dedicated LED indicator upgrade for your particular bike? 2/ If not, did you just buy a cheap set of 4 LED indicators? 3/ If not, did you go the very cheap route and just buy 4 LED indicator 'bulbs' and replace them? 4/ Does your bike run on a 'CANBUS' (Controller Area Network) system? 5/ Did your install include a controller unit? There will be several more questions no doubt from more knowledgeable people, but that's your start... The fact that your indicators flash at the correct speed means that your bike isn't detecting the low power draw of the LEDs as a burned out bulb, which means either they're regulated or you replaced your indicator relay... 6/ Does your bike have a single turn signal indicator bulb on the dash or a right & left indicator? If it only has one indicator bulb on the dash, it's possible that you're getting a current leakage thru the shared turn signal indicator bulb. Removing this bulb and trying again will tell you if this is the problem. If it is, you need to install a diode in the bulb wiring...
Newbie, with a new (old) bike
Glad we could be of help..! lol Welcome in anyway. 👍
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