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  1. Thx for replies folks. I tried it today, suddenly starts. I did have a listen for fuel pump, local bike shop owner suggested same thing. There's a hum for a few seconds while light comes on when turning key. And it started this time. I don't know if it did the hum when it wasn't starting (the light was coming on), nor do I know what might have changed in the meantime to make it start. Temperature out there dropped last few days, maybe that's had an effect. Dunno. Thx for help anyway . Just got told at work to go back to full time working from home. By the time I want to use it for the purpose I bought it for, it's going to be bloody thick frosts anyway lol.
  2. It wasn't the plug. New plug in, nothing's changed. Will drain tank etc. If changing the fuel and clearing air filter doesn't do it, I'll be at a loss.
  3. Thanks for reply. This may seem like a stupid question, but the image below isn't of my bike, just grabbed it off t'internet 'cos I'm at work. The fuel hose is at the middle of the screen - on my bike it has a clip but not like the one in the image. My one has nothing to grab and pinch to take it off IYSWIM, looks like it's throw away if I get it off (if I can get it off at all without damaging the hose). My question is - where it turns at a right angle it goes into the plastic housing thing there. Is there a way of disconnecting it there, or do I need to remove that clip? I'll stop off at B&Q on way home if so for a replacement clip.
  4. Tell a lie, half a tank in it.
  5. Hello folks, first time poster . Need a bit of help. Just before lockdown, bought a YBR125 2009 for commuting to work. But been working from home and the thing has just sat there since March. Tried to start it, battery dead unsurprisingly. Bought new battery, tried it today. Turning over fine, but not firing at all, not even a gasp. Spark plug is a bit black, has a spark, difficult to tell if it's a good spark tho (I'm not very good at that). I'll get a new plug for it anyway, change the air filter. Previous owner was young lad, seemed pretty responsible but never can tell. It was running fine when I bought it though, I took it for a spin round the block when I got it home out the van, ran fine. This is my first ever fuel injection bike. I suppose the fuel might have gone bad, less than a quarter tank. Smells OK. If I just top up the tank, would that sort it if that was the problem? Or should I drain it? Looking at what I guess is fuel feed pipe coming from tank, it goes into this plastic thing that I've never seen before. Not sure if I can release it from there or have to undo clip and disconnect pipe. Got any other tips? I'd go for carb cleaning stuff but it's injection and I'm not sure what to do. Replies much appreciated .